Page 10 of Cream


I still can’t get him off my mind. And it must be obvious, because my roommate, Emily, is grinning at me from her desk like she knows exactly what I’m thinking about.

“Luna’s got a crush! Luna’s got a crush!”

“Oh my God, would you shut up!?” I groan, rolling over and hiding myself under my weighted blanket. Two seconds later, the springs over my terrible UVM dorm bed creak like they’re going to give out as she leaps onto me and starts shaking me.

“Spill! Spill! Spill! Spill–”

“Gah, okay, already!” I laugh, rolling over as she tugs the blanket down and looks at me. I can see the eagerness and jealousy in her eyes. Emily just broke up with Aaron, her boyfriend of nearly two years, and isn’t ready to date yet. But she is ready to live vicariously through me.

I take a deep breath, thinking back to being on my knees in front of Brent in his back office.

I can still smell him…I can still feel his fingers threaded through my hair…I can still feel the thickness and strength of his manhood pressing against the inside of my mouth…

And best of all, I can still taste him.

“So who is he?” Emily asks, shaking me by the shoulders.

“You’re going to judge me,” I reply, feeling myself starting to blush. Emily’s face lights up.

“Oh, this is going to be juicy!”

“Juicy?” I laugh, shaking my head. “It’s not…juicy. It’s just not typical, I guess.”

“You joined a fetish club!”

“What? No!”

“You’re a swinger, and you went to one of those nude saunas last night and had a huge orgy where you finally lost your virginity to a German model named Hanz Von Hugeschlong!”

I crack up and shove Emily to the side, giving myself some room to sit up. “You are ridiculous, Emily. No!”

“Well, spill it then, bitch! You’re driving me crazy here!”

I suck in a deep breath and try not to think too hard about yesterday’s adventure with Brent. I know if I do, I’m going to get way too turned on, and I just won’t be able to function. Plus it will be awkward with Emily sitting right here beside me.

“Fine. So you know how I work for my dad sometimes? Well, he has me doing…purchase orders for him. And I go to Luscious Acres Farm and order cream for him–”

“Luscious Acres,” Emily says, twisting her tongue like a cat. “Ooh-la-la. Continue.”

“Well, it’s the guy who owns the farm. His name is Brent.”

“You fucked the owner!?”

“No! I didn’t fuck him!” Emily gives me her inquisitive, knowing eye that always gets me. I cave immediately. “I just…gave him a blowjob.”

“Holy shit, you did not!” she bursts out. “What, is that like your third blowjob ever?”

“My second…”

She laughs. “Oh my God, you are so cute. So tell me about this guy.”

Instantly my body goes warm. Goosebumps sprout all over my body from head to toe, and that familiar tickle between my legs from the last time I was with Brent rears its hot little head again.

“My God, you should see him, Emily,” I sigh. “He’s like a movie star or one of those guys from the cover of a romance novel. Tall, broad shoulders. He’s got like frat boy hair, but it’s not obnoxious or anything. I didn’t get to see him all the way naked, but his thing? It’s enormous.”

“How enormous?”