Page 16 of Echoes of Eternity

Unsettled by his sudden appearance, Ryan called out to him. “To what do I owe this pleasure, Bill?”

Startled, Bill took a step back from the living room windows. “Sorry. Just wanted to see the progress. I heard you were moving to town. I figured I’d stop by and see how it was going.”

Bill made his way over to them on the sidewalk by the ramp leading into the moving truck. He shook Ryan’s hand aggressively.

“We’re good, Bill . . .”

“Good, good. How’s the grill doing?”

Ryan nodded slowly. “Fine.”

“Am I bothering you by being here, Ryan? Your father served with me as a deacon. I just want to make sure everything is good.”

“It’s no bother. We’re just a little busy. That’s all.”

“Right, right.” Bill shoved his hands in his pockets as he looked down and nodded. Lifting his gaze once more to Ryan, he smiled. “If you need any help with anything, like with the finances or anything like that, just let me know. I own some apartments in town, and I don’t know if you knew this or not but I’ve been a businessman most of my life.”

His eagerness was concerning. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for stopping by, Bill.”

As Bill walked back to the road where he had parked his truck, Jason came closer to Ryan.

“Something seems off about him.”

Ryan looked at Jason. “You got that vibe too?”


“Has your hacker buddy found anything yet on that last transfer?”

“I’ll touch base with him tonight.” Folding his arms, Jason watched with Ryan as Bill pulled away from the curb in his truck. “I’m suddenly very curious about it.”

“Same. Bill was pressing me about the grill right after the funeral. I sense he knows something we don’t.”

“Me too.”

Hanging a painting of a lush green forest above the fireplace mantel in the living room, Emily took a step back.

“Are you sure about putting that there?” Veronica questioned from a distance behind her.

“You don’t like it?” Emily turned toward her mother-in-law for a moment, then looked again at the painting. “I thought it looked nice.”

“Well . . .” Veronica came over and set her glass praying hands sculpture back onto the mantel. “It looks weird with the prayer hands on the mantel and the painting behind it.”

“That’s why I moved them. I figured we could put that over on the shelf near the television.”

“Whatever.” Shooing a hand through the air, Veronica started for the exit. “I’ll just go sit in my room and stay out of the way.”

“Roni . . .” Emily followed her, stopping her in the hallway. “Are you okay? I can move the painting.”

“I don’t know.” Touching her forehead, she sighed. “I don’t even want to be in this house. Everything is changing so fast.”

An uneasiness rose within Emily. “I thought you were on board.”

“I was . . . or I am. I don’t know. I just hate being in this house of memories.”

Ryan came into the hallway and sensed the tension. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Veronica turned and went to her room, shutting the door behind her.