In a quiet voice, Emily explained what had happened.
Ryan was silent.
“Don’t be mad, Ryan . . .”
“We completely unearthed our lives in California to move here, and now she’s uncomfortable?” Ryan rubbed his forehead.
“It’s a lot of change for her. For all of us right now.”
A bang came from inside his mother’s room. It sounded like she threw something and broke it. Hurrying to the bedroom door, he knocked.
“Ryan! Stop!” Emily pulled on his arm, trying to stop him, but he ignored her.
Veronica swung open the door. “What?”
“You need to knock it off and change your attitude. We gave up everything to move up here.”
“Oh, whatever, Ryan! You moved here because you wanted to take over your father’s business! And for a fresh start for Elizabeth. Don’t act like you came here for me!”
“That’s not true Mother. We came here for you too.”
“Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m the problem here.” Leaving the door open, she walked over and started to pack a suitcase on the bed.
Trying to plead with Ryan, Emily tried to grab his arm again. “Ryan, leave her alone. Give her some space.”
“Stop it, Emily. I’m fine.” He went into his mother’s room. “What are you doing, Mom? Are you really leaving?”
“Yes, for a while. I need to get out of this house. Don’t be upset with me.”
Emily took a few steps back.
“Mommy? Why is Grandma packing a suitcase?” Jack’s face lit with concern beside her. Guiding him away from the bedroom, she led him out into the living room and away from the confusion.
“Mom? What’s going on?” Elizabeth came in from the back porch with her skateboard in hand.
“Your dad is just having a conversation with Grandma.” Looking around for her other son, she raised her eyebrows. “Where is Conner?”
“Outside in the front, with the chalk.”
“Let’s all go to him.” Guiding her children out the back and through the side gate, they came to the front driveway where Conner was drawing with the blue chalk. “What are you making, Conner?”
Standing up, he held out his arms. “It’s Jesus with Grandpa in Heaven.”
Swallowing the pain in her throat from the surprise drawing, she nodded. “That’s nice, honey.”
“Have you heard from your job interview yet?” Elizabeth inquired. Emily had a phone interview with the principal of the local Christian school the week prior.
“Not yet. We’ll have to give it a few days.”
After Veronica got in her car and left, Ryan went to go clean the pool while Emily and Elizabeth went to hang up shelving in Elizabeth’s bedroom. As they worked to hang each of the shelves up, Elizabeth began to cry.
Setting the hammer down on the desk, she turned to Elizabeth and touched her arm. “What’s wrong, dear?”
“Dad. He’s so upset. I thought moving here might . . . you know. Get him in a better mood, but it’s not.”
Pulling her in close, she let her daughter’s face rest on her chest. “I know. We just need to pray for him.”