And Boone holding Audra?

*GIF of explosion*

^^actual footage of my ovaries.

LOL. Okay then. Have fun with your ovaries exploding. I’ll bring her by this afternoon.

I park Harlan’s SUV next to the cart return at the only grocery store in town. The sun is shining, and if I could describe walking on a cloud, it would be me right now.

Harlan went into the station for his shift, and after making plans with Jem, I checked Harlan’s fridge and pantry before loading Audra into the car for a supply run.

Steak, grilled mushroom caps, giant baked potatoes, and corn on the cob. The menu for tonight is perfect for the summer weather, and I know the company is already going to be great. I rented a couple of action flicks on my online video account for after dinner, and now plans of not having my daughter overnight for the first time in her life fill me with excitement instead of the dread I expected.

My baby’s first sleep over.

That alone is enough to make me emotional. And not just because it’s a milestone for her, but because I have people in my life who I can trust with the precious parts of my life.

A breeze blows through the lot after I get Audra into her stroller, and a chill snakes up my spine.

I quickly glance around but don’t see anything out of the ordinary. But the hair on the back of my neck raises. Almost like I’m being watched. There are some tourists milling about town — and how weird is it that I can tell them from apart from the citizens of town — but nothing that pings my danger radar. Kids are playing in the gazebo and park in the square their mom’s chatting and scrolling on their phones. Nothing dangerous. Nothing that can explain the sudden apprehension coursing through my chest.

I brush off the feeling and push Audra through the parking lot toward the grocery store.

Jerry Singer’s standing on the walk with a push broom, sweeping in front of the door as I approach.

“Hey, Maisie. How are you fine ladies doing this morning?” He smiles at Audra who’s slapping her hands against the tray of her stroller.

“We’re good, Jerry. How are you?” The few times that I’ve gotten into the grocery store, we’ve chatted a little bit. His family has owned this store for years, and he and his wife plan to pass it down to their son when he gets home from college.

“Still upright and breathing, can’t complain.” He pulls the door open for me, and I laugh as I walk through.

Making my way through the aisles, I start to grab what I need for dinner and stow it in the little undercarriage of the stroller when a familiar beard catches my attention.

“Duke. Hey.”

He’s got his attention trained on the onions in front of him, but at his name, he glances over and smiles.

“Hey, Mais.”

Out of all of Harlan’s brothers, Duke is the quietest. Other than his impassioned speech at dinner the other night, I don’t think I’ve heard him string a whole paragraph together.

“What’s for dinner?” I ask with what I hope is a friendly smile.

“Pasta and sausage. It’s a one pot meal that I like to throw on since it gives me a lot of leftovers.”

“Nice. I also downloaded that new Tally Monroe album. It’s good.”

At that, Duke’s grin creases his cheeks, a dimple in the right side coming out to tease.

“Told you I’d convert you to a country lover.”

I laugh and hold up a hand. “I wouldn’t go that far, but she’s good. I’ll give you that.”

“What is this, a party in produce?” A familiar voice sounds from behind me. I turn and find Jedd, Rhett and Finch standing behind us with their own shopping carts.

“I guess so.” I laugh. The four of them together are imposing as hell, but I’m more than comfortable with them, given the time we’ve spent together.

“I was actually going to call you. I got the check for the camper sale from the junkyard,” he says as Rhett squats down and runs a hand over Audra’s head. She lets out a squeal and slaps her hands harder to the tray of her stroller before holding her arms up.