I lean forward and capture his mouth with mine. Pouring my feelings for him into the taste of him, of us.


There’s an us, and a future, and I want it more than I’ve wanted pretty much anything else in my life.

I just have to be strong enough to fight for it.

Chapter 31


Hey, you got a minute to chat?

Ibite my lip while I watch the three dots dance while Jem replies. I got the idea to instigate a date night with Harlan. After the emotional rollercoaster of the last few days, we could use the down time. Time for just us.

Sure, what’s up?

Do you think you could watch Audra for a few hours tonight?

Nerves swirl in my stomach. I’ve never instigated time away from my daughter. I’ve never been away from her for more than a few hours, and even that was Harlan’s idea. I’m not entirely used to the idea of it yet. But I want time with Harlan, uninterrupted time, which means I have to let go a little.

*GIF of girl rubbing hands together* I thought you’d never ask. Of course I can watch her for you. Hot date with Harlan?

I wanted to have a quiet night with him, maybe make him dinner and watch a movie.

And ravish him silly.

*laugh crying emoji* Maybe...

Yaaaas queen. I love that for you. I get off at three, should be home right after if you wanted to drop her off?

That works, I can come pick her up around eight? Is that okay?

Why don’t we keep her for the night for you? You can bring over that little playpen thing and come pick her up in the morning. I’m off tomorrow so it doesn’t even have to be early.

My stomach drops at the suggestion, and I take a second to breathe through the involuntary response.

Oh gosh. I don’t want you to have to watch her on your day off.

Between Harlan and his brothers I have to fight tooth and nail for that baby, you will not deny me baby snuggles!

Maybe that’s not a bad idea. Jem loves Audra. She’ll keep her safe. She’s right here in town. It’s not like they’re going to the moon.

Haha. Okay... If you’re sure. She’s been sleeping pretty good lately, but can still wake up in the middle of the night.

That’s totally fine, it’s good practice for me and Boone anyway.

Is there something you want to share with the class?

*blushing emoji* Not yet. But maybe soon?

Eeeeep. Are you serious?!

Yeah, we’ve been talking about it…

And practicing I take it?

So much practicing. That might be my favorite part.