Chapter 2


“Hey baby, long time.” I gave the cute secretary a smile. If her name wasn’t on the front of her desk I wouldn’t have had a clue what it was, despite knowing her for four years now, since we started with this management company. She was completely fuckable, I will say that. Her chocolate skin was so smooth and silky and those dark eyes were compelling. I imagined she’d look amazing on her knees sucking my cock and looking up at me with those beautiful eyes.

“Zack.” Dylan nudged me in the ribs. “Let’s get this over with.”

I huffed, casting a dirty look at Dylan. I was working on tonight’s conquest and here he was, attempting to cockblock me.

Dylan wasn’t about to be deterred. “We have shit to do.” He looked over at Alyssa. “We’re here to see Carter.”

Alyssa nodded and stood. “He’s been waiting for you.”

I allowed my eyes to casually examine her slender, modelesque frame. I preferred my women to have a little meat on their bones, but she’d do. And that ass…. Damn!

Dylan elbowed me in the ribs, harder this time, and I got shot another dirty look. Rubbing the area that Dylan had hurt, I returned the dirty look with one of my own.

The secretary opened the door to Carter’s office and stepped aside, allowing us to enter, closing the door behind us. Straight ahead of us was Carter Anderson. The Carter Anderson. He’d turned so many nobodies into big names it wasn’t funny. He was the real deal, but we didn’t need someone to make us a big deal, we already were. We just needed someone to keep us on top.

“Gentlemen.” Carter stood and came around the desk to meet us. He shook my hand and then Dylan’s before waving to the leather chairs behind him. “Please. Sit down. We have a lot to talk about. And I have some great news for you.”

“Good. We could use some good news,” Dylan said, sitting down.

Carter grinned, leaning back into the chair. “I’ve looked over your careers and given this a lot of thought. I want to make sure your new manager is a perfect fit. Churning through managers isn’t productive for the band and it’s not productive for the managers.”

“Hey, the last manager we had was a fucking idiot,” I cut in. That was by no means on us. “Hopefully this new one isn’t such a fucktard.”

“Yes, regardless of the reasons for the breakups it looks bad for the band, and your reputation is of upmost importance.”

I shrugged. I’d never really given it much thought. We were smoking the charts. We were selling out every venue we played at. That told me that the fans and the public in general didn’t give a flying rat’s ass about who we had for a manager. They cared about what was important: – the music.

“Well, isn’t there a saying that states there’s no such thing as bad publicity?”

Dylan raised an eyebrow up at me but said nothing.

“If only that were true.” Carter replied. “But back to business. I have spent some time and I think—no let me correct myself—I know I’ve going the perfect person for you.”

“Who is it? What’s their résumé?” Dylan asked.

“Her name is Violet Hudson. She’s an amazing manager. One of my best.”

“How old is she? How long has she been at it?” I asked.

“She’s twenty-eight, but don’t let that deter you. She’s very knowledgeable and driven.”

“Knowledgeable and driven? Those sounds like something you’d say when you’re trying to sell a manager who doesn’t have a résumé,” I countered.

“On the contrary. She’s been in this business her entire life. She’s the daughter of Edward Hudson.” Carter gave me a smug smile. “Ring any bells?”

Of course it did. Everyone in the music industry knew who Edward Hudson was. But just because her father was a legend didn’t mean she knew her asshole from a hole in the ground.

“Violet Hudson? That’s who we’re talking about?” Dylan asked.

Frowning, I looked over at Dylan a little surprised he knew who we were talking about.

Carter’s smile widened. “That’s exactly who we’re talking about.”

“Hmm.” Dylan rubbed his chin. I could see he was processing the information.