Anger welled up within me. “Am I supposed to be their manager or their whore?” The comment came out so fast I didn’t have a chance to stop it. Immediately I recoiled and braced myself for the scolding of a lifetime. Yes, he may have been my father’s friend, but he was my boss first and foremost and I knew better then to be so defiant. If I’d been anyone else, Carter Anderson would have thrown me out on my ear for less.

“Out of respect to your father I’m going to let that little childish outburst pass.”

“I apologize. I’m just a little afraid I’ll be in over my head with them.”

“You won’t be. I wouldn’t assign them to you if I didn’t think it would be a good fit.”

Running a shaky hand through my hair, I sighed. “They’re the biggest stars on the planet right now.”

“Don’t shy away from challenges, Violet. With big risks come big rewards.”

“It could ruin me in this industry.”

“It could fast-track your career and make you a name in this industry,” he countered.

My thoughts wandered to my father. He took a lot of risks in his lifetime and it made him one of the most sought-after band managers in history. I was his daughter. I may have been relatively new to managing bands personally, but I’d grown up in the industry. Perhaps Carter was right and I was ready for this? I could handle a couple of cocky playboys.

Straightening up in my chair, I smiled, fueled by my newfound confidence. “Okay. You have yourself a deal. I’ll manage them, but I’ll be doing it my way and if they whine, I need your word that you’ll back me up.”

He leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers under his chin. “You have yourself a deal.”