“Remember, no taking off the blindfold until we get the bathroom. I’ll lead you there.”

For the sake of being a good sport, I nodded. “Fine. It’s a deal.”

The door opened and I could feel movement in the car. A moment later, someone I presumed to be Zack touched my arm and guided me to the door. Before I could try to get my footing, Zack grabbed me around the waist and pulled me from the car.

I thought he was going to set me down, but he didn’t. Instead I was being carried. I couldn’t hear voices, but I imagined there would be people around. Was he crazy drawing attention to us by carrying me to the bathroom? We didn’t even have security with us right now.

“I can walk.”

“But this is so much more fun,” he countered, laughter in his voice.

“For you maybe. We’re drawing attention to ourselves.” Despite my words, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself tight to him. It had been torture this past month, pretending that every time I was near him I didn’t feel a flutter in my stomach. Every night when I went to bed alone, I craved to feel his touch on my body again. To make it worse I was feeling the same way about Dylan. It seemed like I simply couldn’t get away from these feelings, no matter which way I turned.

“How would you know that? We could be at an abandoned gas station for all you know.”

My head perked up, wishing I could see. “I hear voices.”

“Could just be the voices in your head.” He chuckled, making me roll my eyes behind my blindfold. After a minute or so, he announced we were there and set me down on my feet.

“Now what?”

He brushed past me and I heard a door creaking open. Taking my hand, he led me forward and then removed my blindfold. I blinked a couple times, the sudden light bothering my eyes. Once I could see, I discovered I was in a four-stall bathroom.

“Let me know when you’re done, and I’ll put the blindfold back on you before you come back out.” Zack exited the backroom and closed the door behind him.

“Alright then,” I muttered more to myself than to him as I went to the first stall and began to take care of business. Once done, I washed my hands, trying to see if there was some sort of advertisement that would give me an indication of where we were. There wasn’t anything on the walls except an advertisement for condoms.

“I’m ready,” I called.

“Great.” Zack walked in and immediately pulled the blindfold over my eyes again, sending me back into darkness. Taking my hand, he led me out of the restroom and to the car.

“I think I liked you carrying me better.”

“Anyone else for a potty break?” he asked, opening the car door and placing a hand on the top of my head, so I didn’t hit my head on the door opening as I slid in.

“I’m good,” I heard Dylan say next to me.

~*~ TT ~*~


Guess what guys, we’re here!” Zack announced at long last. Luckily, I’d managed to get a little sleep in; there wasn’t much else to do considering my eyes were covered. It was a very long four and some-odd hours.

“Can I take the blindfold off now?”

“Yes. Take the blindfolds off guys.” The excitement in Zack’s voice was contagious and I couldn’t help but smile as I removed the blindfold. Once my eyes adjusted I looked out the window to see that we were parked in front of a large resort. We certainly weren’t in LA, or anywhere in California for that matter.

“Vegas. We’re going to relax in Vegas?” Dylan asked guessing our location straight off.

“You know this place Dylan. It’s a perfect spot to get away from it all and relax.”

Dylan nodded, a hint of a smile creeping onto his lips. “You’re right. It’s a good idea. Why we needed to wear blindfolds is beyond me, but I won’t complain.”

“I don’t understand,” I said. It looked like a beautiful resort, but why did we have to travel four hours to get here when we could have just flown?

“This place is very exclusive,” Dylan explained. “It’s very secure, which means there will be one hundred percent privacy. They’ve got this place locked down, no chance of reporters or people nosing into the guests’ business.”

“Oh.” My mood began to lighten. After this past month it would be nice to not have to worry about questions or people taking pictures and eventually putting two and two together. I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed my anonymity until the pictures came out and caused so much chaos, though the guys insisted most of the chaos was in my head. We did have to let Ethan, Salvatore, and Flinn in on our secret. We might have been able to convince the media it wasn’t me, but the rest of the guys in the band were too smart to be fooled.