Chapter 12

One month later


After several months of touring with Violet, we were all in need of a serious break. I for one was completely worn out. What I was quite proud of was that I’d been on my best behavior. I hadn’t slept with a single person since my last time with Violet in her hotel room after the talk show, but it had been damned hard. One of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. Pussy had always been one of my favorite things, and going cold turkey was rough. So very rough. Worse than no longer drinking before concerts.

While the rest of the band had decided to go to their respective homes for our much needed break, Violet, Dylan, and I had no family except each other, so I’d booked a week in an exclusive, Las Vegas resort. They traded on their reputation for the utmost security and discretion, so there’d be no questions, no reporters. Complete privacy.

The worst thing about being around Violet and not being able to do anything about it was that with each day that passed my feelings for her were growing. It both excited and scared me. I wasn’t the type of guy to fall for a woman, yet here I was, dealing with unwanted emotions.

“You just can’t take us somewhere and not tell us where we’re going,” Violet stated, crossing her arms over her chest. She couldn’t glare at me because of the blindfold.

“This is rather silly,” Dylan backed her up, looking equally unimpressed, with a blindfold over his eyes as well.

I’d rented a limo and had them both seated across from me. We’d been driving for a couple hours now, with another two more to go. We started this journey from LAX to Las Vegas in order to keep them from guessing what I had in mind, though the chances of them guessing were slim to none.

“I hope we’re going to get there soon because I’m starting to feel like I need to pee,” Violet groaned.

“If worse comes to worst, we can stop, and you can pee on the side of the road.”

“And how exactly am I going to pee with a blindfold on? Not to mention I’m not going to pee on the side of the road.”

“Then I guess you don’t have to pee badly enough then.”

“Oh, come on. Let’s find a rest station, let me take the blindfold off and it’ll be fine.”

I silently laughed. It was quite silly seeing them sitting with blindfolds, fuming. I’d gone to the trouble of planning the week, though, so the least I could get for my efforts was a chuckle at their expense, I reasoned.

“So, I’ll make a deal with you. We can find a rest station instead of the side of the road, but you can’t take off the blindfold.”

Violet sat up straight on the seat, her hands unfolding and waving in the air. “How in the hell am I supposed to use the bathroom wearing this thing?” She started to take it off, but I jumped from my seat, stopping her. “Nope. A deal is a deal. No taking off the blindfold.”

“Are you planning on wiping my butt for me when I’m done?”

I couldn’t stop the laughter that erupted from me. “I thought you said you only had to pee. There was no talk of a number two.”

She groaned out her frustration, shaking her head. “What I need to use the facilities for is none of your business, Zack Wyatt! Besides, what would it hurt? I can take the blindfold off when I enter the bathroom and put it back on when I get out.”

Dylan began laughing beside her. At least two of the three of us were finding the situation comical. Violet really needed to work on her sense of ha-ha.

“We’ll see what we can do.” Pressing a button beside me, I lowered the panel between us and the driver. “Can we pull over at the next service station; we have a bathroom emergency.”

“Oh for the love of God,” Violet muttered, making Dylan begin laughing all over again.

“Come on Violet.” Dylan nudged her with his elbow. “Where’s your sense of adventure? I’m sure whatever Zack has planned will be well worth it.”

“Thank you, Dylan, I appreciate your vote of confidence.”

Fifteen minutes later the limo slowed as we came up to a large rest stop with a gigantic ice cream cone on the top of the roof. Hmm. Ice cream would really hit the spot right now—chocolate to be exact. Perhaps stopping had its advantages.

~*~ TT ~*~


It wasn’t that I was trying to be a spoilsport, not at all. It’s just that the ride seemed to be ungodly long and I had to use the washroom so badly that I felt like I was about to explode. Not to mention the blindfold was seriously agitating my face. It had been a very hectic and stress-inducing couple of months since taking over the management of Hypnotic and what I needed more than anything else was some serious R&R. The fact that I’d avoided sexual contact with both of the men only made me want them more; it was a truly frustrating situation.

“We’re here, Mr. Wyatt,” the driver said over the intercom as the car pulled to a stop.