Page 98 of The Desire

As we walk back down the corridor, I lean down and whisper to her.

“You know that’s not how the story goes, right? Cinderella is not the pumpkin, and I am far from a prince.”

I missed the soft little giggle that slips from her lips.

“Yeah, but it’s my story, and I get to make up the ending my way.” Smiling up at me, she squeezes my hand that little bit tighter as we stop outside the ballroom doors.

Both of us simultaneously take a deep breath, standing that little bit taller and edging closer.

“I heard the word messy being thrown around to describe us.” She squeezes my hand as tight as she can then pushes on the door before I can, announcing to me as she drags me through it, “Well, I love being messy with you—dirty, bad, and oh so messy.” She smiles at me with fire in her eyes, and I’m thankful that my jacket is covering my pants because my cock is ready to make her messy again and again.

Seeing everyone looking at us as we head across the now fully seated room, I try to work out how quickly I can make an excuse for us to leave. I’m feeling very anti-social now.

Looking for Flynn, I find him at our table. He looks up and sees us holding hands, smiles, and goes straight back to talking to Cherie. But what really throws me is the way Forrest is seated on the other side of her, looking at her the same way that Flynn is.

Oh, the man-whisperer has them both under her spell, and I hope like hell I don’t have to pull them apart later. I laugh to myself. How does the saying go? “Not my circus, not my monkeys.”

I have enough in my life to focus my attention on. I don’t need to add someone else’s to it.

The moment we arrive at the table, Tori is up and wrapping El in her arms, scolding her for not going home but also glad to see her. Especially now that she has her twinkle back in her eye and the most beautifully just-fucked blush on her cheeks. Some secrets are worth keeping when it’s just between us.

Cherie stands tentatively and walks around to us with a look I have never seen on her face. But my gentle girlfriend doesn’t surprise me one bit when she reaches out and hugs her with pure kindness and compassion for how Cherie must be feeling. As they finally pull apart, El is smiling and has Cherie’s hands in hers.

“I’m sorry for thinking the worst, please forgive me.” Cherie is shaking her head, trying to tell her there is no need for this, but I know my El, and she doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. She needs to make things right. “I want to thank you for taking such good care of him. He’s a complex soul, and I know this is old news for you, but I’m learning now too.”

“If that is the polite way of saying he is a big pain in the ass, then I agree.”

Both women look at me and then burst out laughing together.

“I knew this was a mistake. One I’m going to regret for years to come, I’m sure.”

I pull the chair out for El to sit next to me, but she brushes my hand aside. “You can bet on that. Now swap seats, all you guys. Cherie is with Tori and me tonight. We have a lot to discuss and to get to know our new friend. Right, ladies?”

And within seconds, Tori has the table rearranged so that Cherie is sitting between her and El. Nic sits next to Tori, and I’m on the other side of El, and next to me is Flynn with Forrest beside him. There are two empty seats which I’m guessing were for Drew and Paulini, but I can see they are sitting over on our lawyers’ table now. I’ll thank whoever arranged that later.

Tonight is just about my circle. The people at this table who I owe everything to.

El places her hand over mine on the table, and although I’m not sure how much affection I should show in front of Flynn just yet, he takes the worry straight from my mind.

“Just want you to know I’m happy for you. I see it now. You’re her penguin.”

I look at him, wondering what he means.

“You know, penguins, they mate for life. She’s your penguin, Rem.”

I turn to look back at El, laughing and smiling like she is right where she belongs.

“Yeah, buddy, she’s my penguin.”

And the warmth of that thought moves through every cell in my body.

Then, in true Flynn style, the moment is broken with his voice in my ear. “Now tell me, where the fuck did you find Cherie? She’s fucking dynamite, and why have you been hiding her from us?”

Yep, this is about to get fucking messy! And I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Well, maybe if I could just ask for a controlled mess, but I know I’m kidding myself. Time to learn the new normal in life. And as long as El and Blaise are right beside me, I’ll take it.

Bring it on, universe.