The relief in her eyes and the way her body has now completely molded against mine, I can feel the world starting to spin in the right direction again.
“But you haven’t been honest with me either,” I say. “You pushing me away all the time has more to it than worrying about Blaise, Flynn, and the rest of our friends. What is holding you back from really being with me?”
She sighs, knowing she needs to tell me but still not really wanting to say it. I know the feeling; today has been so draining emotionally, baring my soul.
“A guy named Keith that I met the summer before I started college. We got quite close, and he wanted to go backpacking around the world and for me to forget about becoming a teacher. Of course, you know I’m not that adventurous and teaching was my dream, but I thought I was falling in love, so I was torn. In the end I told him I couldn’t go with him, and that’s when he told me that I would never amount to anything much and I should go off and live my boring life in the suburbs. That’s where I obviously belong.” The water in her eyes tells me it still hurts. “But after a while, I thought he was right, because I was happy in my life, so I found my place. Then the whirlwind of Nic and Tori happened, and the next thing I know, I’m in a world I don’t belong in and never will. This dress might make me look like Cinderella at a ball, but at midnight, I will always turn back into the boring teacher I am meant to be. You need a woman who belongs in your world.”
My heart is aching for her. She has no idea how far from the truth that is.
“Baby, you belong in all those worlds, yours and mine, and I’m going to prove it to you so you can see how amazing you truly are. Don’t ever put yourself in a box like that. Because as high as you build your walls, I will always break through them.” I kiss her on the forehead as I continue what I need to say.
“We hurt each other by keeping secrets, and that needs to stop. Later tonight when you are lying in my arms in our bed, totally satisfied after multiple orgasms, we have lots to talk through, but right now, there is only one important thing I need to tell you.”
I lift her chin up from where her head is now burrowed into my shoulder. “I love you, El. Not just the normal love. That deep gut-wrenching kind of love where I know if I can’t be with you then I can’t survive.” I kiss her on each cheek and then hover my lips above hers. “The forever kind of love.”
Finally, I kiss her like I have been dying to do for days.
It’s not soft or smooth. I wrap my hand behind her neck and press her so tightly to me that our kiss is rough and frantic, both our bodies wanting more. The moment her lips part with a slight lustful groan, my tongue delves into her, and I make sure she knows how desperate I am to have her.
What started as a sweet declaration has turned into a hot, heated, claiming kiss. One that I should have saved for later at home, but I can’t hold back now.
The moment her hands are in my hair and those red-painted nails scraping on my scalp, I know there is no way we are making it out of this room without me being inside her. Just once is all I need to remind her where her home is, wrapped around me while I make her see stars.
Pulling my mouth from hers, she’s gasping, but I can see the fire in her eyes, and that is enough for me.
I’m about to move her from my lap, but she has other ideas. “I love you.” She slides her hands to my beard, tugging at it like she loves to do, knowing it drives me crazy. “God, it feels so good to say that. I love you so much, and I trust you. I honestly do. Now fuck me, right here, right now. I can’t wait.”
My hands are on her waist, ready to lift her to stand, but the moment she is halfway up, she throws her leg over my lap and straddles me on the couch. There is red tulle everywhere between us, but El knows what she wants, and she is taking it. She pushes all of the dress out of the way and pulls my zipper down, popping the button, and my cock is in her hands before I have time to say a word. She rocks her body over my cock that is about to explode at the feel of lace on my skin, and her moan is all it takes for me to erupt with a loud guttural groan and assume control.
“You want to be my bad girl, don’t you.” My hands find hers under the dress and push them out of the way, feeling lace covering her bare pussy. With one finger, I move it to the side, and straight away, I thrust two fingers inside her. “God, so fucking wet for me, you dirty thing. It’s getting you off just thinking about riding my cock and the danger of someone walking in on us, isn’t it?”
“Mhmm, yesss.” She’s trying to talk in her quivering voice, but every time I push down on her clit with my thumb, she bites down on her bottom lip.
Taking my cock in my other hand, I pull my fingers out. I don’t give her time to take a breath as she rises above me, and I thrust up with my hips and impale her on top of me.
I want to scream out her name, but this is just between us. No one else. I will not embarrass her any more than has happened already.
“Not a word. You take me hard, take it all, and hold your screams inside.” Both my hands are on her waist now and holding on tight as she rides me just like she wants.
“That’s it, baby, let it all go. But you can’t scream. The only release you are allowed is coming so fucking hard that I can feel it running all over my balls.” God, I want her beautiful tits in my mouth, but they are strapped in tight in this temptress dress that is doing its job and driving me wild. I need to mark her. Pulling her body closer, I move my mouth to the bare skin of her shoulder, desperate to sink my teeth in.
“Don’t. You. Dare,” El grinds out between me pounding up into her.
“Then come so I can let go deep inside you. One way or another I’m marking you as mine, and you get to choose which way it’s happening.” I growl out the words like a feral animal, and it’s enough to have El throwing her head back, mouth open, and the hands that were on the back of the couch are now in my hair, pulling on it hard. It’s all I need, and I come so fucking hard inside her.
The moment she falls forward onto me, her head on my shoulder and my arms wrapped so tightly around her back, I can feel my heart beating a steady rhythm again. The one that tells me I have control, and now I know what I need to do to keep it in my life.
To love El with all that I am and never let anything come between us.
Thank God there is a bathroom in here so we could both clean ourselves up and look presentable enough that no one will know that I just fucked her within an inch of her life. Well, that’s what it felt like for me.
Standing at the door of the room, her hand in mine, I’ve never seen her look more beautiful in my life.
“You sure you’re ready to do this?” I ask, giving her the last chance to let me take her home. We sat and talked for a little while before she insisted that she was going back into that ballroom, head held high and showing how strong she can be, not letting a little fainting spell hold her back. And of course, she is not leaving without meeting Cherie, because apparently, they have a lot to discuss. I should be worried, but I’m really not. I want El to ask every question she has and give Cherie the chance to show El what an awesome person she is.
“I want a second chance at my Cinderella moment, and don’t you dare take that away from me. I mean, I think we can safely say I have claimed my prince, but I need to clear away a few things before I turn back into the pumpkin.” I can’t help but laugh as I open the door, and Darren steps to the side. I see a slight blush on her cheeks, wondering how much he heard. I can tell her he heard everything but he will never repeat it to a soul, but she doesn’t need to know that.