Pushing up off the floor, I’m not as quick as his little body just springing onto his feet. I’m a man who takes pride in how fit and flexible I am, but I can see keeping up with a four-year-old will test that in a new kind of way. There is no slacking off at the gym now.
Holding my hand out and taking his tiny one in mine is a new feeling for me, and although it doesn’t feel natural, it’s not terrible either.
Walking into the kitchen, Adeline and Elouise are at the counter, sitting and chatting. The food is laid out ready, but they are just talking to each other and didn’t bother coming to get us.
I have a feeling that El deliberately left me alone so that I would start to make some sort of connection. Not that I need her pushing me to do something. I’m a grown man and can figure this out for myself.
The smirk on her face when she sees we are walking hand in hand tells me I’m right on the money. I don’t know what I was thinking that night in Rome, that she was shy and lacked self-confidence, because all I see in front of me is a woman who is already managing to manipulate me without me realizing it. I need to be careful of Elouise, she has more power than I was expecting. This is going to be interesting.
After lunch, the conversation with Adeline that I knew was coming was brief and straight to the point. She wanted to go home and has decided to leave tomorrow. I still don’t understand how she can just walk away so easily, but I need to move on from that. Nothing is going to change.
Picking up my phone, I know I can’t put it off for much longer. I mean, if it was one of the other guys, I would be pissed at being shut out like I have done to them, but I just couldn’t process everything and I needed space to do that.
I open the group text message thread. My fingers move across the screen and then hit send, and I knew my message will have them all diving for their phones.
Rem: Congratulations to me. Seems I gave birth to a 40-pound four-year-old boy on Friday night.
Forrest: Like it was ever in doubt. Congrats… I suppose. Is that what I’m supposed to say?
Flynn: Shit, I know what I’m saying. Sorry, buddy, but I’m just glad it wasn’t me.
Nic: Let’s be honest, Flynn, there’s probably a dozen or more of your kids running around this world, and that is scary as fuck.
Nic: Rem, I know you think it’s terrible news, but I think he is great. Welcome Blaise to the brotherhood.
Rem: It’s growing on me. Not that I have a choice.
Flynn: Fuck off, Nic. I’m careful. Always followed my mother’s advice.
Rem: Oh God, do we want to hear this?
Forrest: Doubt it. Because let’s be honest, it’s too late now for you!
Rem: Not funny…
Flynn: Wise woman, our mum. Her words of wisdom: ‘If it’s not on, it’s not on!’
Nic: Ughhh! We are forty-year-old men, why are we talking about condoms? Seriously!
Flynn: Some of us don’t have the luxury of ignoring them like you do with your little cock tamer, and this text message is the perfect reminder.
Nic: Watch it! You’re lucky you aren’t in the same room as me right now!
Flynn: Yeah, yeah, Mr. Tough Guy. You know Tori would laugh and agree with me.
Rem: He’s right.
Nic: I liked it when she wasn’t so comfortable around you all. Then she was off limits to your bullshit.
Forrest: You’re kidding yourself if you think she was ever off limits to Flynn.
Nic: True.
Flynn: See, he gets it. You are all fair game in my world. How else am I supposed to keep myself amused and you fuckers from taking life too seriously?
Nic: As per usual this conversation has turned around to be about Flynn. Back to Rem. What do you need from us, buddy?
Rem: We need a meeting, the four of us. I have no fucking idea what this means going forward, and we need to work that out.