Rem was in his office while we played, I think it was all too much for him.
Now sitting here alone in the living room, the last twenty-four hours are all running through my head. One minute I was at school, then the next minute I was here for a completely different reason than I thought. I should go and let Rem know that they are having a sleep, but I doubt I need to. He probably already knows because of the security system.
Stacking up the toys in a neat pile at the corner of the rug, the tiredness that I was feeling yesterday starts to come over me again.
I just need a moment to decompress and breathe, to just be alone. Not with a child near me or trying to be the calming translator for everyone, and especially nowhere near the grumpy man who has me constantly back-flipping who I thought he was. This morning, I was about to tell him where he could jam his coffee, being the arrogant jerk he was, demanding I do what he needs me to, already having an email ready to go before we discussed anything.
Shit, the email!
Reaching for my phone and opening the email, my eyes nearly pop out of my head. This man is crazy, there is no other word to describe him.
Employment Letter of Offer
Elouise Patterson
Dear Elouise,
Please find your offer of employment from Elders Enterprises in the job description of a teacher/nanny for Blaise Elders.
The job will entail living on site in the residence of Remington and Blaise Elders on a full-time basis. You will be responsible for Blaise Elders at all times, with personal leave being approved ahead of time on an as-needed basis.
This will be a twelve-month contract that will be reviewed in six months’ time, depending on the progress of Blaise Elders with integrating into an English daycare and school environment and social situations.
The job will also involve traveling with Remington and Blaise Elders when needed, and all costs to be covered by Elders Enterprises.
The salary for a twelve-month period will be one hundred thousand pounds, plus an expense allowance to cover all needs for both you and Blaise Elders while in your care.
You will be allocated an assigned driver and car to be used at any time.
The rent on your current home for the next twelve months will be paid to hold the property, as well as a cleaner/caretaker to service it during your time away from home.
Elders Enterprises will also help to negotiate with your current employer, if needed, to hold your position for twelve months while you are working in this role.
Once we are advised of your acceptance of this offer, the employment contract will be forwarded to you to review and sign. Elders Enterprises will also pay for external legal advice with a firm of your choice to review the contract for you before you sign it.
We expect that this offer will be finalized in forty-eight hours from the date of this letter.
Yours sincerely,
Remington Elders
What. The. Actual. Fuck!
This man is certifiably insane.
Actually, no, it’s worse than that. He is a completely arrogant douchebag.
Jumping to my feet and marching to his office, I can feel my temper raging, and he is about to have it unleashed on him.
Not even knocking I’m so angry, I throw open the door, coming to a stop in front of his desk. His head whips up at the intrusion.
“Elouise, what’s wrong?” He jumps to his feet in a panic.
“You high-handed prick. I’m not some little pushover you can order to be at your beck and call. Take your job and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. I won’t take orders from you!” If I was outside on a cold day, you would literally see the steam coming out of me.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm the fuck down. I see you have read my email and it’s not to your liking.” His voice where it had compassion to it when he was concerned for my safety a moment ago is now long gone, and it’s replaced with a calm controlled voice I haven’t heard before. This must be his boardroom voice where he uses it to get what he wants. Well, it’s not going to work with me.
I might lack confidence around these big business tycoons and know that I don’t fit in, but I do have self-respect, and that’s more important.