“How did she know where to find Rem?” Nic asks, and Elouise relays the message. Adeline starts reaching inside her jacket to a concealed pocket, then holds out to me a weathered brown leather wallet. One that my father had given me on my birthday one year, and it has my initials embossed on the front corner. I was annoyed I lost it that trip, but to be honest, I didn’t know where on the journey it had disappeared. I hadn’t needed it for days while hiking, so it truly could have been anywhere.
The cards that are in it have been long cancelled, and the cash, I’d assumed would have been taken by whoever found it.
Taking the wallet in my hand and running my thumb over the front of it seems so strange, like a piece of my past. Opening it up, I find everything is still exactly where I had them. My driver’s license at the front, credit cards in the slot behind it. And there is still cash in the long back pocket.
Adeline starts talking very fast and frantically to Elouise in what sounds like the same sentence over and over again, to which Elouise tries to calm her down, talking to her and what looks like reassuring her all is okay.
This is so fucking frustrating. I’m kicking myself so hard now for not paying more attention in school when we were offered language classes. I was too busy with my head stuck in a computer or clowning around with my friends. I remember we did a bit of French and Spanish, but I couldn’t hold a conversation in either language these days. When I’m traveling, most of the places I visit the people speak limited English, so I’ve gotten by, or used my phone to translate which doesn’t always go well either.
“She is trying to tell you that she only took money to get on the train to find you. She promises she never took anything else. She is scared, Rem, terrified of what is going to happen now that she’s here. She has never been out of France, and I doubt she has visited a big city often.”
“Oh God, please tell her it’s okay. I believe her, and I’m grateful for what she is doing for this little boy.” I can’t let the words my son pass my lips until I know for sure. Even then this will take some getting used to. But if he is my son, then I will protect him like I protect everyone else in this room.
Quickly relaying my words, Adeline’s shoulders drop, and the tension in her body seems to settle.
It’s like seeing her so scared has jerked me back to reality. Get control of this situation, you idiot.
“Right, we need to get things sorted. Elouise, please tell Adeline she will stay here tonight in the guest room with Blaise. I know I’m asking a lot, but can you possibly stay as well so she feels comfortable about being in a house with a strange man? Flynn, can you find someone to do a DNA test first thing tomorrow morning, and we will want the results expedited. Nic, can you and Tori organize some food that a child might eat, I have no idea. Forrest, can you get in touch with Ian and tell him I am offline and on leave; he is in charge until he hears from me.”
This is what I need to take control of things, divert my attention from how my life is about to explode. I hate when there are elements out of my control, unless it is when I’m about to do something that will scare the hell out of me. It’s the one reason I will give up control of everything just to get the adrenaline high. Because I know it will only be momentary, and the rest of the time I want to be in complete control.
“Whoa, buddy, slow down there. We are here to help you, and we don’t need to rush anything. Forrest, can you contact our lawyer and have him on standby for anything we might need help with tomorrow?” Nic, being the boss, is now taking over and trying to be a good friend, but I need to be running the show.
“Yes, that’s a good idea.” Just nodding, I try to think of what else might be needed to be done.
“Hang on, guys, don’t you think you need to actually ask Adeline if she is okay with staying?” Elouise asks. “You can’t just order her to do what you think is best. Plus, until we know what is happening with Blaise, you need to give her the consideration and respect that she deserves as his carer at the moment. Don’t take that away from her until she is ready to step back. Camille gave her a dying wish that she is trying to fulfill. It’s important to her.” Elouise sits up straighter, and the strength in her voice is not something I’ve heard before. I’ve never seen her in her work environment, but I can see that this is her in her teacher role of protecting a child and the vulnerable.
I want to scream at Elouise and say if she turns up on my doorstep with a child, claiming it’s mine, then I will damn well do what I want. This is my house. But the cold stare that is coming from Elouise makes me back down slightly and listen to what she is saying.
“Okay,” I grunt at her, with a nod for her to ask the question.
“Adeline is very appreciative of a place to stay tonight. She doesn’t have any money for accommodation, so she has offered to cook or clean for you to pay for her stay. I told her that she is a guest and there is no need, she is safe here, and that I will be here with her.” Elouise’s voice is a little gentler this time, knowing that she has things sorted the way she thought it should be.
Tori stands up. “Right, now you men have voiced your opinions. Here is what’s actually going to happen. I will get Wallace to take me back to your place, Lou, and grab some clothes for you for a few days just in case. Forrest, you can do the work things that Rem mentioned. Flynn and Nic, can you go to the shops and get some toys, food for kids, but not junk food, and a baby monitor so we can hear Blaise when he wakes. Lou, just call us if you think of anything else, and Rem, my friend, you need to just take a breath. We will get this sorted, and once we know more, then we will worry about the next steps you need to make. But whatever it is, we’ve got you.” Tori walks toward me, and I know she is about to put her arms out to me. She is a hugger. Standing and letting her embrace me, I won’t deny it feels good to be comforted.
“Thanks, Tori, but don’t worry about the baby monitor. I’m a security man, remember? I’ll just set up a camera with the feed to my system, and I can get alerts on my phone and watch. And what was wrong with my plans?” Having pulled back, I look down at her, watching as she starts to laugh.
“That you expect Elouise to sleep in a cocktail dress and wear it for the next few days, and that’s just for starters. Pfft, men…” She walks over to Nic and reaches up to give him a kiss, then hugs Elouise, and the both of them start whispering to each other. “Now feed this poor woman, and I will be back in an hour or so.”
“So, bossy.” Flynn smirks, his comment directed at Tori.
“Too right, and you would all be lost without me. Now get moving, people, chop, chop.” Tori points her finger at us like school kids, but it’s what we needed to break the moment.
Forrest stands and takes his phone from his pocket, looking at Nic. “She does know we are grown men, right? Who ran a hugely successful business before she arrived. Man, you do realize what you are getting yourself in for marrying her.”
“Absolutely! Wouldn’t have it any other way. And she just thinks she’s in charge, but we all know who wears the pants around here. Where’s the Range Rover keys, Rem?” He’s moving toward the door of the study, with Flynn following him and Forrest already talking on his phone as he leaves the room.
“And yet you are all doing exactly as she said. You’re delusional.” Elouise finds herself amusing and turns to Adeline to offer her some food, which she happily accepts. Then Elouise turns back to me. “Don’t you have a camera to set up?”
I’m moving before I realize what I’m doing but then laugh to myself as I walk down the hallway. Just like that, I’m doing what I was told too.
These two fucking women have some voodoo hold over us.
Satisfied that I will be able to hear and see if Blaise wakes, Elouise and Adeline head upstairs to the guest room that I showed them, to settle them both in for the night. Although it’s not late, only just after eight pm, Adeline has been traveling all day, so she is exhausted and I’m sure appreciates time to rest. Every guest room has a bathroom attached, so I assure her that I haven’t put any cameras in there and she should get changed in there. I’m not sure that she really understands the security system, but Elouise has assured her it is for their safety and so we can help her with Blaise if she needs it.
Forrest has gone home to make sure everything is in place for tomorrow. Nic and Flynn have been back and delivered everything Tori told them to get, and I have sent them home too. I know they want to help, but I just need some space right now. Tori just left after dropping Elouise’s bag to her and spending a few minutes with her in the other guest room that is next to mine, where Elouise will sleep. Tori didn’t want to leave, but Elouise also assured her that it will be better for Blaise if he wakes that there aren’t too many people here initially.
Tori hugged me tightly again as she left and assured me that everything will be okay. I’m not sure she’s right, but let’s go with that for now.