Flynn: Why do these messages always end up with someone saying shit about me!
He’s right, but I can’t really think too much about Flynn’s feelings right now. Especially when I know I’m the one who is walking all over them with the woman in the next room.
Nic: I’m not even answering that. Now everyone back to work. Do whatever the fuck I pay you all to do.
Rem: On it.
Forrest: Been working this whole time.
Flynn: My brother, the kiss-ass.
And as per usual Nic’s boss comment ends the text messages, and we all get back to our day. I do often wonder though how Flynn really feels about all the shit we put on him. He is the jokester in our group, but nobody likes to be made fun of all the time. Maybe I should be paying more attention to what is said, or man up and talk to him face to face.
Perhaps just not right at the moment when I’m skating on thin ice. Oh man, these next few months are going to be hard, but on the other hand, totally worth it.
If I had my way, I’d throw out in the open now about El and I being together and let the chips fall where they may. But she is too frightened, and I respect that. So, we will do it her way until I believe it’s time to start doing it my way.
Checking on Elouise, I find her now sitting tucked up in the window seat of the room I have been working out of. I love that she is close by but happy to leave me to work while she reads. I’m up and down from my computer, leaving to check things in different rooms as I create my master document that Nic will be working off when he approves the due diligence for the purchase.
Really, there’s no doubt on Nic buying this castle. From the moment he set his eyes on the property advertisement, he wanted it badly.
My phone rings on the desk, and I put my ear pods in so I can still talk to Nic without El hearing what he is saying. Just in case he starts talking about her, I don’t want her to feel awkward. But also, he wouldn’t be impressed that he was on speaker with her in the room. He loves her like a sister and trusts her, but business is business, and he is very protective of his empire.
“Nic, I’m almost finished the report. Should be ready in the next hour.” El looks up at me with a smile and then goes back at her book, readjusting her sitting position and already tuning me out.
“Thanks, Rem. I’m guessing from your messages yesterday that there is nothing glaringly obvious to stop me from buying it?” As he pauses, I can tell he is doing two things at once. It’s the way he works, at full speed, until he clicks off for the day and then he stops momentarily to relax. Makes me think marrying someone who is in the business is not such a good idea, but they seem to make it work and still have down time away from the job. “Of course, except for the obvious that this is going to cost me a crap load of money to renovate and get to the standard I expect from a Darby Hotel.”
“You said it, so I don’t have to. No more than you were already prepared to spend.” I laugh at him groaning at my comment.
“Remind me in six months’ time why I thought this purchase was a good idea.” Nic laughs.
“I won’t need to remind you, because the reason will be standing next you wearing a gold wedding band and answering to Mrs. Darby. Tell me I’m wrong.” I laugh along with him.
“Okay, smartass, that’s enough from you. She drives me crazy, but I want to give her the world, you know what I mean?” I know he is just saying it as a matter of fact and not really expecting me to answer, but it slips out before I realize.
“Yeah, buddy, I do. Money means nothing unless you have someone to spoil with it.” I look across at the beautiful woman oblivious to what I’m saying. The sun is streaming through the window and highlighting her rich brown hair with hints of gold that she has pulled off her face with a clip, but the rest is softly falling down her back. She’s wearing a soft cream wool sweater and blue jeans with a pair of socks on her feet, and her tan knee-length boots are on the floor beside her.
“I suppose you do now that Blaise is in your life.” I want to correct Nic and tell him it’s so much more, but I just can’t, and it’s already eating me up inside.
My job is all about trust, and I’m breaking that important thing with everyone around me, the people who rely on me to keep them safe. Which is both stupid and dangerous, I know. I’m giving this a couple of weeks and then I’ll be revisiting it with El and reinforcing to her how important it is that we let everybody know and that I’m sure they will all get over it. After all, we are grown adults, and it’s none of their business who we are with.
Our conversation continues as we talk specifics and then get onto other issues at different hotels too. An hour has gone past and El hasn’t complained once or even given me a sigh or daggered look. She understands how important my work is and has seen firsthand how this company works. I could almost say she is part of the company, now that she is around so much. I’m sure Nic would hire her tomorrow to keep Tori happy, but her skills and dreams don’t involve the corporate world.
Just when I think Nic is winding up the conversation, his random side question throws me a little.
“How’s Elouise? Are you keeping her safe and happy?”
And all these words come flying into my head. Sure, happily sated in my bed, safe from everyone except me, and that’s probably who she should be protected from. But of course, I can’t use any one of them, but instead just answer with the generic response.
“Yeah, of course I am, she’s doing just fine.” And she is, so I’m not lying.
“Good to hear. Tori just said she didn’t hear from her this morning, so wanted me to check on her.” His voice starts to fade, so I know his mind has already moved on to the next thing he needs to do.
“Yeah, reception isn’t great. I’ll let her know to give her a call or something.” I’m trying to be vague, and in my mind, I think it’s just that she is probably avoiding Tori because she has something to hide. It actually surprises me how she has managed to keep it from Tori for this long. After we slept together that night in Rome eight months ago, I thought the cat would be out of the bag, because girls talk and these two are so close.
“Great, something else I’ll have to fix when I buy it.” Nic’s grumbling now, and I know it’s time to end the call.
“We all know how much the patrons complain when the Wi-Fi isn’t up to their standard. Some of them should learn to just switch off for a while, it’s invigorating.” I don’t get to do it often, but when I’m off on a trip to do something insanely dangerous, it’s usually in a remote area and I’m out of reach to the rest of the world. It’s heaven for a few days.