Nic: Rem? Tell me you didn’t do that!
Flynn: Don’t make me come up there and beat the shit out of you.
Forrest: For once I agree with my brother.
Okay, time to put them out of their misery. My fingers now dance over the screen as I reply.
Rem: Wow, nice to know what you all think of me!
Nic: Start talking and then we will stop thinking anything bad. Now, where is that?
Rem: In your damn castle’s dungeon, idiot. Happy now?
Rem: Surely you can all see how dark and dirty it is, and I’m not talking about sex!
I shake my head at how little they really looked at the pictures, missing the details of the low-level lighting and the rock walls behind it.
Flynn: We are buying a sex castle!! This is gold!
Nic: What the fuck, you’re kidding me!
Forrest: Oh, this is so good. Can’t wait to hear Nic explain that one to Tori.
Flynn: Happy wedding, sweetheart. I bought you a sex-dungeon castle as a present to celebrate. Surprise!
Nic: Fuck off, Flynn
Nic: Rem, tell me what’s going on.
Rem: Well, if you would all shut up for a minute, I would.
Flynn: A bit testy there, Rem, feeling a little frustrated…
Rem: Not a bit, nothing to be frustrated over.
If only he knew what I was doing last night, then he wouldn’t be accusing me of having an inch of sexual frustration in me. Because to be honest, my cock and I are feeling fully satisfied this morning.
Rem: Back to the sex room. It’s in the back of the dungeon and looks like it’s been set up by the owners and looks modern and taken care of. Just dusty and now has a broken door, where I gained entry.
Nic: What makes you think it was the owners, besides the obvious in that it’s their property?
Rem: There are photographs on the wall of a couple, and it looks like it was their personal haven. The same couple are in a single photo on a table with a candle. My guess is whichever one died first, the other one was living in the memories in the room. Although weird, still romantic… I guess. I’m no good at that sort of shit.
Flynn: Wait, what? Photos, holy shit. That’s ballsy. How pornographic are we talking? Show me.
Forrest: Don’t you even think about sending them to him, Rem!
Rem: Give me some credit. What is with you all today, doubting me. I’m the most respectful out of all of you.
Flynn: Debatable.
Rem: That’s rich, coming from you.
Nic: Rem, I’ll call you shortly. About to walk into a meeting. We need to talk.
Nic: Flynn, those photos will never see the light of day. You of all people with a sex tape out there should get the whole privacy aspect.
Nic: Forrest, what happened to your brother when he was younger, was he dropped on his head? I swear, sometimes I wonder where his brain is at!