“I thought the whole purpose of traveling to the Spring Court was to ensure peace?” Blaze asks lazily. He flicks his gaze back in my direction, and they harden almost instantly, turning glacial. “Now, I’ll only ask you one time, Father. Call your guards off. If they point their weapons at my mate for even a tick longer, I can’t promise what I’ll do.”
The blood drains from King Darius’s face. “Mate?”
“Little beast.” Blaze waves me forward, smugness practically radiating from his large body. “Come here.”
I hesitate but walk forward, pushing past a stone-faced Aleksander and a wary Treyton, who both seem reluctant to leave me unattended.
It feels as if it takes an eternity to reach Blaze’s side, but once I’m beside him, there’s no mistaking the feeling of security that rushes over me. The feeling of being home. He wraps an arm around my shoulders, and his pine and cedar scent curls around me.
“Kassandra, I would like to introduce you to my father, Darius. Dad, this is my mate, Kassandra.”
“Your Highness,” I sign, my hands trembling slightly as I lower into a curtsy.
I have no idea if he understands Falkan—Blaze didn’t when I first met him—but I feel like I need to do more than just awkwardly bow.
King Darius surprises me when he breaks into raucous laughter, his green and brown eyes twinkling. Before I can react, the large male pulls me into his arms and lifts me off the ground. My feet dangle in the air as I struggle to orient myself.
“Call me Darius, my daughter!” He places me back on my feet and then steps back. “Now, what did my good-for-nothing son do to convince you to take him as a mate? Did he bribe you with gold? Riches? Jewels? Because there’s no way a fae as beautiful as you would choose to tie your soul to that ugly fucker.”
Blaze’s lips twitch in the beginnings of a smile. “You know we look almost exactly the same, right? Minus the gray hair, of course. And the stomach. Have you been forgoing your exercise while I’ve been away? I told you to lay off the sweets.”
“Honestly, I don’t know how I managed to father such an ugly boy,” Darius teases, slapping Blaze on the shoulder once more. Then, as quickly as it came, Darius’s smile falters before disappearing entirely. “Now, I know we have a lot to discuss”—he glances pointedly in my direction—“but first, please explain why the Spring Prince and an elf are here.”
“It’s…complicated,” Blaze says gruffly, scowling.
Darius nods once. “Isn’t it always?” He forces a smile back on his face and then turns towards me. “Come. Come. Let me show you to your rooms before dinner is served.”
He offers me his arm, and after only a brief moment of hesitation, I place mine in his.
Using my free hand, I quickly turn to Blaze and sign, “What about the others?”
Blaze’s lips purse as if he just ate something sour. “I’ll have the guards take them to their rooms.”
“Blaze.” I give him a reprimanding look, and Blaze cracks a smile.
An actual smile—not one of those minuscule ones he wears like armor. His eyes crinkle at the corners, drawing attention to the scar slicing through his right eyebrow.
“I promise, little beast. As unfortunate as it is, they’re my guests, and I’ll treat them as such.” He turns towards three of the guards surrounding our group and jerks his chin in a nod. “Please escort Aleksander and Prince Treyton to the guest wing.” His eyes dip to my pet and harden with disdain. “And bring this…creature to my chambers.”
Disbelief splays across the largest guard’s face. “But sir?—”
Before I can even blink, Blaze stands in front of the fae, his sword held to the other male’s jugular. The guard swallows convulsively as his eyes widen in horror.
“Did I stutter?” Blaze asks calmly, not removing the sword from the male’s neck.
The guard shakes his head in lieu of a verbal response. That seems to appease Blaze, who resheathes his sword and steps beside me once more.
Darius chuckles darkly from my other side. “There’s the psychopathic son I know and love.” He gives my arm an encouraging squeeze. “Now, how about that tour?”
“So…what are your plans for the Spring Prince and elf?” my father asks a short time later, after I dropped Kassandra off at my rooms and returned to his office.
I swirl the dark alcohol around in the glass before throwing it back in a single mouthful. The bitter liquid burns my throat in the best fucking way possible.
“Am I supposed to have plans for them?” I ask with feigned nonchalance, tapping the fingers of my free hand against the armrest.