Page 105 of Of Wind and Terror

Impulse demands I charge forward—get away from this stifling tension—but I turn towards Blaze expectantly.

The Fall Prince is grinning from ear to ear. His hazel eyes glimmer, resembling the very same ground we step on—brown soil with tufts of green grass interspersed throughout.

He grabs my hand and drags me closer until my side is flush against his. He seems to radiate heat, and I suddenly feel as if I’m standing next to a fire. Any tick now, I’m about to be consumed by the flames.

“Welcome, little beast, to my home.” He pauses and then corrects himself. “Welcome to our home.”



Blaze’s home looks more like a military base than a castle.

Fitting, I suppose, for a fae who’s renowned for his prowess on the battlefield.

The slate-gray structure features a series of lookout towers and turrets. On closer inspection, I see that it isn’t just one single building but a series of them, all connected by gated pathways. The land directly in front of the main entrance boasts tall maple trees—the leaves an enticing combination of red intermixed with orange and yellow—and dusky-colored flowers I can’t name.

Overall, it’s rugged in a simplistic way. Not as opulent or idyllic as Treyton’s home but no less beautiful.

The sun hangs heavy in the sky, drenching the pathway in pale golden light. It hasn’t begun to set yet, but the appearance of clouds in the distance suggests that it’ll turn dark long before dusk. Those bloated masses promise rain and thunder.

Blaze doesn’t outwardly react to the sight of his home, but there’s a lightness to his steps that didn’t exist prior. I can almost imagine his lips twitching upwards into a smile.


Still, his eyes remain hard—chiseled from granite—as he nods at the guards manning the entrance. They give Treyton and Aleksander wary glances but let us pass.

When we reach the front door, Blaze pauses so suddenly I almost run into his back. Only Aleksander’s hand on my hip stops me from breaking my nose.

Frowning, I peek around Blaze’s broad shoulder to see an unfamiliar male standing just beneath the archway.

The first thing I notice is that he’s large—perhaps as large as Blaze. He wears a form-fitting tunic that emphasizes his muscles and a blood-red cape. Copper-tinted hair is peppered here and there with gray. Lines mar the skin around his eyes and mouth, and I can’t tell if they’re from smiling or frowning. Either way, he’s an imposing figure, exuding power and confidence.

The male’s eyes sweep over the four of us, lingering a tick longer on Treyton than the others and narrowing into slits.

Then he focuses on me.

Unease skirts down my spine, and I stiffen as a feeling of familiarity washes over me.

I know those eyes.


The male takes a step forward at the same time Blaze does. They meet in the middle, hard hazel eyes clashing with hard hazel eyes.

Then the large male’s expression cracks, and a smile splits his face in two. The lines bracketing his eyes and mouth deepen.

“My son! Welcome home!” He claps Blaze on the shoulder good-naturedly before once again sliding his gaze back towards Treyton, Aleksander, and me. His bushy brows touch his hairline. “And I see you brought guests.” Something dark falls over his face as he regards Treyton—almost like shutters being drawn. His upper lip peels away from his teeth. “Treyton.”

“King Darius,” Treyton greets formally, punctuating the words with a respectful dip of his chin.

The male—King Darius, apparently, and Blaze’s father—arches an eyebrow at his son.

“Is there a reason you brought our enemy into our home?” Though King Darius’s voice is casual, almost nonchalant, there’s an undercurrent of steel coating each word.

A prickling sensation creeps up the back of my neck. I’m suddenly aware of how close all the guards are. They seem to be surrounding our little party, their swords unsheathed and their expressions drawn. An acrimonious, acerbic type of tension permeates the air. It scuttles along my skin like thousands of megarts.

Treyton and Aleksander both inch a step closer to me.