Page 42 of Shadows of Desire

Marilyn grew several inches taller, and her tail sprang out. Her teeth sharpened and her nails became black claws. Her head became more cylinder in shape. The tails on the end of her ears were obvious. She was Tan-ge and Jenna had never known. That’s how good her cover was.

“Where’s my mate?” She looked ready to kill, but a part of her needed to know her mate was safe. Jenna wanted to give her points for caring. Then she looked at SaKura, who didn’t give a shit about Jeffrey.

“Dead. He tried to kill my mate. What did you think would happen?”

Marilyn sneered at him. “You Diza’s think your way is the only way. So pious. You belong with the trash of earth.”

“No,” Rakha snarled. “We know your way is wrong.” He stepped towards her, but SaKura made a slight movement and Rakha stepped back, waiting.

“The Tan-ge have always stated that their females were docile and subservient, unlike the Diza females, but that was never true.” SaKura kept his eyes on Marilyn, pinning her down with them.

“Has it taken you that long to figure that out, future king? I’ll cry when your papan gets the news of your death.”

“The males of your planet do the bidding of the females, but not all the males. I believe you once were a…” He stumbled looking for a word and then defaulted to the English word because it fit what he was thinking. “Matriarchal society. Through the centuries, thousands of them. The males gained a voice and some leverage in society.”

Marilyn was no longer listening to SaKura. Her eyes were traveling over the ashes and the bits of pieces of Jeffrey that were still burning. She ran at Jenna, ignoring the flames surrounding her. The scream that came from her was from the pain of the fire and the soul bruise of losing her mate.

SaKura tore her away from Jenna, the flames not touching him. She sailed over his back to hit the wall.

Rakha rushed her, stopping when SaKura uttered a word in his native language. He retreated, leaving SaKura facing Marilyn.

“A mate for a mate. Did you think I didn’t know? When Diza’s mate it’s for life and death.” Her smile was a grimace of pain. “Shall we die together?” They circled each other. Marilyn watched SaKura, Rakha, and Jenna.

“This one belongs to me.” SaKura turned his head for a fraction of a second, and Marilyn was on him. Her deadly stinger caught the side of his thigh, equaling the playing field.

“It’s not fire, but it hurts as much.” She feinted to the left, but SaKura anticipated her move meeting her face forward, his arms going around her body as his claws dug into her side. She ripped away from him, blue blood dripping down her body.

“Why Earth?” SaKura retreated, getting his bearings together. Tan-ge blood can be toxic.

“Why not? It’s a beautiful planet, and it had something I wanted.”

“Your mate.” He came at her, but her grin was a warning he didn’t consider in time. She kicked his chest, doing a one-foot aerial flip landing on both feet running backward.

“Did you know Jeff was into martial arts when I met him? He wanted me to be protected all the time and got me into them.” She reached into her belt and pulled out two knives, one with each hand. SaKura avoided one, but the other hit him in his calf.

“I thought it was cute at first, his desire to protect me. Then I realized it was hot. It took a while for me to understand he was my mate. It was the last thing I was looking for. Being on this back hole planet with nothing to do except harass humans and feed my mate’s need for vengeance made me happy. There was no planet to rule, just time spent with Jeff. Then you came. I knew you would after your brother took a human mate.” They were both looking at the knife that didn’t find its mark.

SaKura didn’t want to pull the knife in his calf. The blood loss might be too rapid.

“We can end this right now.”

“Not as long as you’re alive. I’m dead already, but I reserve the right to take you and that abomination with me. A human frya. Whoever heard of such a thing?”

They dived for the knife at the same time. It spun out of their reach going across the room. Marilyn’s tail came out waving before she used the stinger on SaKura, who screamed as the poison went through his system.

Jenna kicked the knife back to him, not caring what he said.

SaKura picked the knife up that was still hot and sliced off Marilyn’s tail. The wound cauterized from the heat of the knife.

“You fucker.” A spiel of curse words left her mouth as she ran at him, claws out and mouth open wide, her sharp teeth becoming a weapon. They met in the middle of the floor, tearing into each other, blood flowing as Jenna and Rakha screamed and hollered, wondering who was going to win.

Marilyn pinned SaKura down. Her claws were at his neck and her teeth were bared, ready to tear his throat out. She gave a triumphant cry. When she went for his throat, spikes grew out of it. A defense that was only in the line of the kings. His fingertips gleamed with the living jewels of his crown. He sliced her stomach and rolled her over onto her back. His fingers were at her throat.

“You always underestimated me.”

“You’re dead. My venom is coursing through your body. You and your mate will join Jeffrey and me in hell, as the humans call it.”

“The only one dying today is you.” He didn’t tell her he was immune to death from her venom. He’d suffer as it worked its way out of his system, but he’d live.