Page 43 of Shadows of Desire

“I’m dead, you idiot.” She was reminding them of the one thing the Tan-ge had in common with the Diza. You were dead if your mate died. Some species survived but were in great pain. The Tan-ge never found a way to survive. They tried not to soul bond. What caused her to soul bond with Jeffrey was anyone’s guess, but she wasn’t talking.

“I never thought to die like this.” A sharp laugh came from her that held no humor. “I will at least be with Jeff again.”

“In hell, I hope you both burn for all eternity,” Jenna spat out. She was standing in the middle of the floor to keep anything from catching fire.

“It’s over,” Rakha said. “Now that she’s dead, they’ll have to regroup.” SaKura was staring into Marilyn’s eyes.

“That’s where you’re wrong.” She choked, and dark blue blood came from her mouth, spraying across the room.

“Who else?” The command in SaKura’s voice carried through the house. He hid the throbbing pain, not wanting to give Marilyn a minor victory in death.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” More blood spilled from her mouth and sides as light lit her eyes with a fanatical glee.

“The male from the mall. The one who was there during the rally and who also hurt Amelia. He was the one who met me at the mall lot to bring me here.” To give me to Jeffrey, she added silently. Jenna wrapped her arms around herself, still marveling that her clothes were intact. Being naked for the entire world to see, as well as Rakha and the crazy bitch on the floor, wouldn’t have made her happy. It was bad enough she was only wearing her black lacey bra and matching thong. It was better than being naked, marginally.

She eyed her mate but kept silent. The knife sticking out of his calf was enough to drive her crazy.

“Give me a name,” SaKura demanded.

“Why? Or else you’ll allow your pathetic warrior to disembowel me?” She laughed. “What can you do to me?”

SaKura moved closer. He had taken her down and was crouched over her. “I can keep you hanging on the verge of death perpetually into the future.”

“Come closer.” She whispered a name too low for anyone to hear, and then she spat blue blood in his face.

“Burn her, mate.” Jenna sent her fire to Marilyn. It encompassed SaKura, making his black eyes with the red strip glow before Marilyn screamed as she burned.

“Enjoy your trip to hell!” Jenna spat. They stood and watched until Marilyn was nothing but ashes.

“My fire is hot enough to burn bones?” How hot did it have to be to do that?

“It appears so. You need to pull it back. Concentrate on your core where you found the fire and then reverse the process. Pull it back through your body until it’s locked up inside your core once again.”

“It lives in my soul,” she said nonchalantly, concentrating on doing what her mate had said. When the fire banked, she was shivering from the sudden onset of the cold. SaKura took her into his arms so his body heat could warm her. Kala bumped into her legs. When she bent down, he gave her a long lick.

“Ew, baby boy. Let’s not do that.” SaKura and Rakha laughed, the tension easing out of their shoulders.

“That was easier than I thought it would be,” Rakha said.

“That’s because I did most of the heavy lifting.” Jenna took a step back and raised her arms to show off her impressive biceps. They were impressive to her, anyway. “Women, we get the job done.”

She was eyeing the knife and wondered why it didn’t melt or some other horrible thing when she sent her fire to encompass her mate to burn Marilyn, who needed to be tortured for days in her opinion.

Sakura picked her up and swung her around. Jenna threw her head back, laughing. She had never felt this feeling of freedom before. Were all her problems over? Most likely not, but she didn’t care. This moment was perfect. SaKura slid her down his body.

“Your leg,” she stuttered.

“There will never be a time when I’m too weak to pick you up,” he boasted.

This might not be the time, but she wasn’t willing to let any more time pass before she told him. There was no guarantee he was going to make it. The words caught in her throat as she blinked her eyes rapidly, not wanting tears to fall.

“I love you. I don’t know when my feelings changed or how you captured me so thoroughly. With every beat of my heart and every breath I take, I love you.” Her eyes misted as she watched her mate, who was her very own monster. Prince Charming had never looked this good.

SaKura kissed her, dominating her mouth and capturing each breath like it was his lifeline. Her head swam, making her kiss him harder. Jenna was sure she didn’t need air when she was kissing him. They parted, laughing and gasping for breath at the same time.

“I knew the minute Bella told me about her amazing sister that you were mine. You had to be a frya, I didn’t question my reasoning, I just believed. You, Jenna Ashford, are everything I ever wanted in a mate and more. I love you.”

“That’s good and all, but maybe you can pledge undying love when we get out of here.” Jenna turned to find Rakha holding up a phone. She knew he was live-streaming it to her sister.