Page 25 of Shadows of Desire

Chapter Fifteen

It felt like a chemical reaction within her body. Her blood was boiling and whatever stomach acids she had were moving around in a dizzying array. Maybe if that was all she’d believe, tomorrow would be better than today. It wasn’t, though, something was happening in her brain, and it was scaring the hell out of her. It felt like it was stretching and contracting. Was brain fluid a thing? It felt like whatever was in her brain besides the blood it received nourishment from was swirling around. It was changing her. She also thought her brain was going to splat inside of her head and she was going to die if her heart didn’t stop first. Either way, she was dead, and in case it was catchy; she didn’t want Bella around her.

FYI dying alone wasn’t much fun.

She almost didn’t hear them, but with every second that passed, her hearing grew more acute. It was the subtle change of the vibration in the ground. It was a low thrum, now there was a bass feel to it. The sound of many feet hitting the ground at once. It had to be SaKura and Rakha. Maybe Thad and Cleo were with them. The sound of the Diza’s steps drowned out anyone else’s.

If she weren’t dying, she would probably wonder how she knew these things, but she was and didn’t care. Not now. All she wanted was to say goodbye to SaKura and Bella as long as her sister was safe. The closer they got, the more her nose wiggled. There was an alluring scent coming her way. She needed it and wanted to roll around and bask in it. Did it matter? She’d be dead before the scent got to her.

Her eyes went dark, and she started convulsing, rising from the ground and then falling. A scream tore from her as her last conscious thought. Her body still writhed and rolled before jerking into the air and slamming to the ground. She was unaware of what was happening. She was lazily circling her body, waiting for the last string to be cut before she could explore the many doors in front of her. Some whispered encouraging her to hurry. They wanted her to come and explore the mystery of the stars.

The mystery of the stars belonged to her; this was how it was meant to be, and now that she was so close to death, the beings on the other side weren’t content to wait any longer. “Come to us,” they called in seductive voices.

She wanted to go and ached to be there, but something held her back. It was tethering her to her body as if someone used a metal chain and locked the end. “Break it,” they demanded. Could she break it, detach herself one last time from her body? She realized she was asking the wrong question. Did she want to break it? She could, but why? What was so important that she needed to leave this second? Why couldn’t she hang around a little longer?

Jenna wanted to see her niece grow up. Wait, why was she so sure Bella’s baby was going to be a girl? She knew it didn’t matter how she knew in this place that was outside of time. She simply knew and could see her niece. What would happen to SaKura if she died? He didn’t deserve death because she was flighty and didn’t know what she wanted. Was she flighty? It wasn’t the most important question, and yet the life of the masses depended on the answer.

Her life played out in front of her eyes. It was strange to see yourself from the point of view of it looking like someone else’s life. There was no emotional attachment to what she was watching. It simply was. Jenna watched from her birth to now. Her mom was the genuine star pushing Jenna’s big head out. How she missed her mother.

“Yet, I’ve never left you.”


“My baby.” Her mother was there in front of her. She looked young and ageless at the same time. Her hazel eyes shined like the stars at night. Her skin was a warm brown, a shade or two darker than Jenna’s skin and she was gorgeous.

“How can you be here?”

“Where else would I be when you have such a hard decision in front of you?”

“What should I do?”

“I can’t make this decision for you. It’s up to you. Do you want to play in the stars and visit the times lines or do you want to live and see what life has to bring? This is important because you may never get this choice again.”

“When I die…”

“Will you die, though? Your mate told you that you’re close to being immortal. The chance to die may never happen again.”

That was the problem with mothers. They told you the truth. What her mother wasn’t saying was that if she passed up this chance, she might never see her again.

“Mom, Dad is dead.” She would never disrespect her mother by calling him the sperm donor.

“I know, he came crawling to me.” Jenna stayed silent, she just held her breath. “I’ll let him grovel for a century or two before I take him back. In the beginning, there was genuine love between us. After he became a cop, it changed. The boys he spent time with got into his head and he became a monster. Tell Bella I applaud her actions.” Jenna smiled; she adored her little sister. Her mother’s words hit her. She knew that Jenna was going to hang on as long as possible for a chance to get back to the life she was living.

“I would do the same. I hung on as long as possible when he killed me, but there wasn’t enough time for one of you to come home and find me. Live your life baby, it’s all I ever wanted for you, and kiss Bella for me and remind her I love her, and I love you too.” She started fading away. Jenna almost took her hand away from the tether to her body to chase after her mother.

It was the spicy scent that called her. It was foreign and sensuous. She wanted that scent. Her eyes opened, they were wild, and her body was shaky, her legs trembled when she pushed herself to stand. It didn’t matter she shoved herself forward and then ran. Her legs threatened to collapse with each step, but she ignored them. It was like looking at the top prize if only you could find that last bit of stamina within yourself.

There, it was right there, so close she could almost taste it. She gave her last sliver of stamina and ran faster, jumping at what she wanted. Who was it? What was it? She didn’t know or care. When a large, thick arm went under her ass and a hand went to her back, she didn’t try to reason or think. She opened her mouth and bit.

SaKura almost cried out in pain before he saw Jenna running towards him. She looked like she was in a fight, and he wasn’t sure if she was going to win. When she jumped at him, he caught her. Her eyes were all white, no pupil, and he knew she couldn’t see him. It was a wonder that she could find him. When her mouth opened, he sucked in a deep breath.

In her mouth was a set of Lancur teeth, top and bottom. Before he could prepare himself, she bit him. Her teeth met in his shoulder. He went down, taking her with him. His eyes went white, and he couldn’t see anything. He’d have to rely on his brother to keep them safe. It was the last conscious thought he had.

Jenna sat up. She wasn’t in her body, but she felt reassured by the tether keeping her connected. There was nothing to worry about. She looked around and found Rakha, who was connected to his body by a strong gold cord. There was also a cord that tied the two of them together. That was unbreakable. In life or death, they would always be one. That could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it.

“SaKura?” She shook him. He needed to wake up so they could figure out how to get back. His eyes popped open, making her take a step back in fear. They were white, not black, with a line of red.

“Your eyes are white.”