Page 24 of Shadows of Desire

“Take your whores and bastard children and leave our planet if you want to live. We can take care of any alien force coming for us, including the monsters trying to get a foothold on our planet.”

Jenna looked at SaKura. Would they leave? He had the power to make that call. Royalty, the crown elect. If she stayed with him one day, she would be queen. Now she was a princess or a consort. She didn’t think there was a difference in his mind. Her sister was mated to a royal. What kind of shenanigans was she opening herself to?

“Would you like me to withdraw our people from your planet?”

Was he asking her? Please let him ask someone else. Maybe Bella was here, and she hadn’t seen her? Nope, he was staring at Jenna, waiting for an answer.

“Shouldn’t you ask Madame President?” President Lincoln wasn’t her favorite after everything that happened. The woman’s hands might have been tied, but she could have managed everything better than she did. That was one of the reasons she was okay with throwing her under the bus. If there was time, she’d drive the bus and run her over before backing up and doing it again.

“This isn’t political, it’s personal. I’m asking my mate, my consort, and my council if she wants me to leave her planet. I’ll take away the force that I have patrolling your airspace and keeping the Tan-ge at bay. The fate of your planet is in your hands.” He cupped the side of her face.

No pressure, none whatsoever.

“What I want is to borrow the Hummer so I can go see Bella.” She held her hand out and Rakha dropped the keys into her hand.

Jenna pressed her hand to the center of SaKura’s heart before she went to the van. She wasn’t wearing shoes. There was a part of her brain that noticed that minor aberration. She ignored it, started the Hummer, and took off.

The drive to Bella’s place was a blur she couldn’t remember. All she could think about was what SaKura asked her. Jumping out of the Hummer, she ran to Bella’s house like the weight of the world, or the hounds of hell were chasing her.

“Jenna?” Bella met her at the door, her hand laid protectively on her baby bump. “Where’s Rakha and Thad?”

Right, she scared her sister, who was expecting the males in her life to stroll through the door.

“They’re at my place. Everything is okay. I just needed to see you. Rakha let me take the Hummer so I could visit you.”

“The men are okay, but you aren’t.” Bella hugged her hard before leading her back to the living room.

“What happened?” The temptation to say it was nothing made Jenna bite her tongue. “Did you know that the little space between your eyes crinkles before you lie to me? It’s a tell you can do nothing about.”

Darn it. At least she now knew how Bella always knew when she wasn’t telling the truth. She sighed and settled into the oversized chair.

“Tell me everything. Have you ever thought of the fact that children are parasites living off your body? It amazes me that we’re left alive at the end.” Bella threw out random thoughts, rambling to give Jenna time to get her thoughts together.

“Since I know that you love being pregnant, I’m going to suggest you’ve been having a hard day.”

“You have no idea. People are so… You didn’t come here to talk about me, go on.”

Jenna could have argued with her but decided not to. She told Bella everything that happened, starting from early this morning. Then she pulled out the thick parchment and showed her that to back up her words.

“Humanity against Monsters,” Bella said. She got up and went to the bureau that had plants on it. The front of it had several drawers. She opened one and came back with a piece of paper. Jenna took it to read.

“I have you in my sights. It’s only a matter of time before you and the monster spawn you carry are dead and lying at my feet, signed Humanity against Monsters.” Jenna read the note and shivered. Someone had threatened her sister.


“No,” she snarled, unaware that her gray eyes radiated a purple light. “Threatening me is one thing. I’ve been there and done that. Threatening my sister and my niece or nephew is a step too far.” That was the reason she eventually found the courage to leave her father. He was threatening Bella, and she couldn’t live with that.

“Do you think humans are behind this?”

“If not humans, then who?” Bella said cautiously. She’d spent a lot of time thinking about it. She wouldn’t put it past humanity, but it reeked of more.

“Shit!” Jenna’s cursing got Bella’s full attention.

“What’s wrong?” Bella asked, running her hands over Jenna. “You’re burning up.”

“Get back Bella. Call SaKura.” Jenna clutched the chair arms to stand. She stumbled her way out the front door, making Bella swear she’d go to the back of the house and stay away from her.

She crumbled onto the lawn with the knowledge that her life was about to change again if she lived through whatever was happening to her.