Wyatt revved the engine of his Charger and flew out of the parking lot, speeding down the main road toward town. As he pushed the speedometer past eighty, he dialed Cannon's number.
“Thank fucking god!” Cannon replied. “Where are you? Where’s Alister? Tell me you two are okay.”
“A hellhound kidnapped my mate.” Wyatt gritted his teeth. “I managed to kill one, but the other was too fast and stabbed me multiple times before I could react.”
A car appeared ahead of him. Wyatt swerved around it and continued driving, determined to get home as quickly as possible.
“The night Alister and Paris attended that party, the auction. I need to know if your mate recognized any of the guests.”
“Because if you can get even one name, it’s a start,” Cannon finished for him. “Hold on while I ask him.”
As Wyatt entered the town limits, he slowed down but was still driving over the speed limit. All he wanted to do was get home, get dressed, and then begin his search for Alister.
No matter how long it took, Wyatt would never give up on finding his mate. His determination fueled him, even as he felt crippled by the loss of Alister. His determination fueled him, even as he felt crippled by the loss of his mate.
Please let me find him soon.
“Solomon Tarne,” Cannon’s voice came through the phone once again. “Paris recognized him because he’s shopped at Solomon’s high-end stores.”
“What are the names of the stores?” Wyatt asked.
“Tarne,” Cannon replied. “As far as Paris knows, they’re only located in Springrest where he and Alister used to live.”
“Whoa!” Cannon exclaimed. “You can’t go after him alone, Wyatt. These are powerful and wealthy men we’re dealing with. If you want any chance of finding Alister, you need to have a plan. I’m on my way to your house right now. Don’t even think about leaving before I get there.”
Wyatt ended the call and pressed the button to open his garage. His heart clenched when it slowly raised to reveal Alister’s white Mercedes inside. Images of his sweet, naïve mate at the mercy of some depraved individual surged through Wyatt’s mind, but he pushed them away before they could break him.
As soon as he was inside his house, Wyatt sprinted up the stairs and quickly dressed.
Then he froze, staring at the pair of torn shorts on the floor near the laundry basket. His throat constricted as he picked them up and brought them to his nose, inhaling deeply. Alister’s scent filled his lungs and he couldn’t hold back a sob.
“Stay strong, butterfly,” Wyatt whispered to himself. “I promise I’ll find you.”
“Wyatt!” Cannon’s voice boomed from downstairs.
Wyatt took one last deep breath before setting the shorts on his bed and heading downstairs. Cannon wasn’t alone. Standing next to him was Ian Grant.
Ian was a panther shifter who used to be a professional preternatural snowboarder. Five years ago, he retired from the sport and settled in Midnight Falls to enjoy a slower pace of life. Rumor had it that he was worth millions, and since he was a shifter, it was likely that he had been wealthy even before his career in sports.
The man possessed the sculpted physique of a panther, as well as long, chestnut-brown hair, and almond-shaped whiskey-colored eyes.
“No offense, but why are you here?” Wyatt asked.
“You need someone with connections in high society. A well-connected individual to arrange a meeting with Solomon,” Ian responded. “Brute strength alone won’t get you in the door.”
“And that would be you,” Wyatt said.
Ian’s smile radiated charm and seduction. Wyatt was certain he had used it to his advantage many times before.
“Yes, I’ve encountered Solomon at various charities. He projects himself as an honorable person, but behind those blue eyes lies a depraved man.”
“How do you know you can arrange a meeting with him?” Time was of the essence, and he didn’t want to waste any on uncertain leads. Alister needed him, and Wyatt was determined to find his mate as soon as possible.
Ian scowled, and his tone was bitter. “On multiple occasions he’s made it clear he wants to sleep with me.”
Wyatt was a bit surprised. Since Solomon had attended a twink auction, assumably he would be the dominant one in any relationship.