Page 29 of Beautiful Butterfly

Why would Solomon make advances toward Ian—a guy who exuded a strong, alpha male energy? Ian seemed like someone who would prefer to take charge in the bedroom as well.

Then again, either man could be a versatile lover, for all Wyatt knew.

“I prefer my men a lot less scummy, but I’ll tolerate his sleaziness since it means helping a mate in danger.” Ian ran his hand through his long hair. “I booked us a flight while on our way here. Do you happen to own a suit?”

“No, I don’t.” Wyatt shook his head.

“We’ll buy one for you up when we land in Springrest, but it might be wise to pack an overnight bag just in case. I’ll wait for you in the car.”

“Is Solomon human?” Wyatt asked before Ian made it to the door.

“Yes, but don’t underestimate him for one second.” Ian walked out.

“I feel like I should join you,” Cannon said. “I care about Alister and I want to help find him.”

“You have Paris to take care of,” Wyatt said. “How’s he doing?”

“Not good. He’s barely keeping it together and threatened to go to Springrest himself to look for Alister.” Cannon showed him a set of keys. “I took these just in case he tries to leave while I'm here.”

“Why didn’t you just bring him with you?”

“He’s struggling with a lot of things, including his feelings towards you,” Cannon confessed. “He doesn’t blame you for what happened, Wyatt. He’s just feeling helpless and taking it out on everyone around him.”

Wyatt blamed himself. Last night replayed in his mind like a cruel movie, each scene tormenting him with the mistakes he had made. He cursed himself for not fighting with more ferocity, for his failure to stop the hellhound from taking Alister.

“Ian is waiting for me.” Wyatt sprinted upstairs and packed a bag, taking one last look at the shorts before heading out to find his mate.

Chapter Nine

Waking up in an unfamiliar bedroom had terrified the hell out of Alister. Finding himself naked, even worse. He had to have shifted when that asshole knocked him out. He could only hope that was the reason. Luckily, after searching the room, he’d found a closet filled with high-end clothing that fit him perfectly.

At least the scumbag had excellent taste in fashion.

Too bad he didn’t have excellent taste in morals.

Once dressed, Alister had felt a little less frantic, though he lacked shoes. At least now he could face his perverted captor without his dangly bits exposed.

But it had been hours since he’d woken up. Now Alister paced the room, wishing he could open the thick glass windows. But even if he could, he was too high up to climb out without falling to his death. And with the windows facing the ocean, no one would see him if he tried to signal for help.

When he’d first woken up in this room, Alister had tried numerous times to break down the sturdy oak door with his shifter strength, but all he had to show for his efforts was an aching arm.

Hoping the bedroom door had magically unlocked since the last time he’d checked it, Alister turned the knob, but the damn thing was still stubbornly locked.

Alister flopped down onto the plush bed and thought about Paris, of the excitement and anxiety in Sam’s eyes concerning the cookout that was now two days away.

Of Wyatt.

Last night, Alister had been consumed with so much pain and fury as he’d watched his mate suffer so brutally at the hands of the hellhound.

It seemed impossible, but what if Wyatt hadn’t died? Could he have healed from so much blood loss? Alister had to cling to that glimmer of hope, needed to cling to the desperate belief that he hadn’t lost his mate. Without that belief, there was nothing left for him to live for.

Alister pushed from the bed and began pacing again. He had to find a way to escape. If he didn’t…

At the sound of a key turning in the lock, Alister froze. The door opened and a woman entered, carrying a tray of food.

Without hesitation, Alister shoved past her and raced into a hallway. He could go left or right. Alister chose left and took off, quickly realizing he was in a luxurious apartment with multiple floors. Through a sheer glass wall, he could see for miles.

How high up was he exactly?