Page 44 of Testing the Goalie

Ben chuckles. “I’m glad I have you.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” I assure him. “I like you a lot, and I’m excited to see where things go with us.”

“Me too,” my sweet boy whispers. “Now take me to bed and fuck me silly, Daddy.”

I raise a brow at him and click my tongue. “Did you forget my rule already? You need to watch that mouth.”

“What happens if I don’t?” he checks with a breathy voice.

“I’ll punish you, and not something fun like spanking either,” I tell him, and he pouts.

“Well, that sucks.”

I laugh and shrug. “Before we head to the bedroom, we’re going to eat. Do you want to help cook or stay in here and watch some TV?”

“I’m not very good at cooking, but maybe you can teach me,” he suggests.

“Absolutely,” I reply with a smile, grabbing his hand and guiding him to the kitchen.

Today has turned out to be one of the best days of my life. Ben is officially mine, and I can’t wait to find out where life takes us.



It’s been two weeks since Ian and I made things official, and life has been great. We don’t see each other every day, which I expected, but we don’t go a day without talking, whether it be texting or talking on the phone.

Communication is everything to Ian, and it has been key in making me feel safe. I’ve also really enjoyed how he’s seamlessly started to take more control over my life. It lifted a weight off my shoulders I had no idea I was carrying.

Tonight is the GSU Koalas’ first hockey game of the season and the energy humming through my veins as I stand in front of the net is something I’ve always loved. I understand why people would want to go professional and chase this high all the time. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

I cast a quick glance at the stands, taking a swig of my water and trying to find Ian. I’m fucking ecstatic that he is here tonight to cheer us on. It only makes things better. I want to play the best game I’ve ever played because of him. I want to make him proud.

Once the puck is dropped, my head is back in the game, trying my hardest not to let a single puck enter my net. It’s not often we get shutouts since we play some extremely talented teams, but it’s still my goal for tonight.

The score is currently two-zero for us, and I plan on keeping that zero in place until the buzzer sounds at the end. The game goes by in a blur like they usually do, and when I glance up at the final score, I am smiling. We got the shutout and ended up winning the game with a score of four-zero.

“Way to start off the season, boys,” Coach Wynter tells us when we enter the locker room. “We have a long road ahead of us, but I have faith that we’ll bring home the championship again this year. Now, hit the showers and make sure you’re taking care of your bodies. If you need to see any of the trainers, do it. We don’t need any of you trying to be tough guys and getting injured for a reason that could have been avoided.”

“Yes, Coach,” we all shout, then move to shower and change into clean clothes.

I’m exhausted when I pull up to Ian’s house but also excited to find out what he thought about the game. Did I make him proud? Did he enjoy himself?

My hands shake as I lift my fist to knock on his door. Ian will most likely tell me I did good, but it doesn’t stop the nervous energy from coursing through my veins.

I’m not entirely sure why I’m anxious right now, probably because it was the first time my man has seen me play. I have people telling me how talented I am all the time, but their words don’t mean anything to me. Ian’s words do.

When my sexy professor opens the door, he’s in a pair of gray sweats that are sitting low on his hips, and he isn’t wearing a shirt. His hair is damp, and a few water droplets cling to his chest. He must have just gotten out of the shower.

I lick my lips, and Ian smirks.“Enjoying the view?” he asks, and I shift my head to the side.

“What’s not to like?” I reply. “Would it be okay if I had a taste?”

He inhales deeply through his nose before lifting his chin, inviting me into his house. “What exactly do you want to taste?” he questions, walking into his living room and sitting on the couch.

My cock is instantly hard from the deep timbre of his voice. His Daddy voice instantly sends shivers of lust down my spine, and I’m eager to obey.

Of course, my bratty side likes to come out occasionally, but what fun would things be if I didn’t keep him on his toes?