“We should sit down and talk,” I offer. Unfortunately, my words don’t soothe him like I hoped they would, but he nods and follows me to the living room. “This isn’t the bad kind of talk,” I assure him once we’re sitting. “I was hoping we could discuss what we both want from this relationship. I know we agreed to something casual when we started, but I also think it’s safe to say that feelings are getting involved, and maybe that label doesn’t fit us so well anymore.”
“Yeah, that’s safe to say,” Ben repeats my words quietly.
“Where is your head at on all of this?” I ask, wanting him to take the lead.
“I’ve been nervous about bringing up feelings because, at first, I thought they were one-sided, but then last night, you hinted at wanting more, which settled some of my anxiety. I’ve never actually dated anyone. I’m not sure if I’ll be good at it, but I’m willing to try if you are.”
I beam at him, taking his hand in mine. “You’re going to do just fine, but like I said when we first started messing around, it’s important to keep conversations open and talk about what we’re feeling. If you’re ever worried about anything, please come to me. I won’t be able to fix something I’m not aware is broken.”
Ben’s face lights up at my words. “That sounds perfect.”
“Now that we have that part settled, I was also curious how you felt about our Daddy/boy relationship,” I inquire. “Did you want to keep it strictly to the bedroom or would you like it if I took more control of your day-to-day life as well?”
“What would that look like?” he inquires.
“Whatever you want it to.” I reach over and grab the papers I printed and the pens I already set out. “Let’s start by filling these in and figure out where we are at this moment, then go from there.” Ben eyes the papers but doesn’t seem to be taken off guard. He probably saw a version of a kink checklist when he was doing his research. “It’s a standard form, and there are no right or wrong answers. I promise, no matter what, I’ll still want to be with you. This is only to figure out if there are ways I can better satisfy you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them at any time.”
Ben smiles and starts to fill out his form. I do the same, working a little faster since I’m more aware of my likes and dislikes and have filled out a form like this in the past. I pause anytime my sweet boy has a question, then get back to work. Besides the occasional question here and there, we are silent, but it’s not uncomfortable. It’s actually calming. I like having Ben beside me like this.
“Okay, done,” Ben says, handing over his papers. I do the same so he can read mine.
“Would you like to go over them together, or would you like to read mine silently first?” I ask him.
“Together, please,” Ben replies. “I’m afraid if I go over it silently, I’ll get all up in my head about stuff.”
“Thank you for telling me that. See? You’re already a pro at the communication part,” I praise him and start reading over our responses.
I’m not sure why I am surprised at just how compatible we are, but I am, in a good way, of course. We agree to use the traffic light system as our safewords even though neither of us is into hard-core kinks, but it never hurts to have that in place. What makes me the most excited is Ben being open to handing over more control of his life. He wants to keep things small and simple to begin with to see how he feels about it, which is the perfect idea.
“How about we start by you reaching out anytime there is a decision to be made? Not for me to make it for you, but so I’m able to help you come up with your answer. I’d also like to help you pick out your outfits each day, and I want to do daily check-ins to ensure you’re eating regularly. My last rule would be, I want you to watch your mouth and curb your swearing when I’m around. Because good boys don’t curse like sailors,” I explain. “Does that sound good to you?”
Ben nods with a big smile. “The no swearing is going to suck, but the rest sounds perfect. I hate picking what I’m going to wear, and big decisions make my skin crawl.”
I chuckle. “Sounds like you’ve needed a Daddy all along.”
Ben blushes, tilting his head from side to side. “Maybe, but I’m glad it’s you.”
I grab his chin and lean in. “Me too,” I whisper, bringing him in for a passionate kiss.
My tongue dances along the seam of his lips until he parts them, giving access to his warm mouth for mine to play with his. Tiny moans break free from Ben as we make out, and I grip his hips, guiding him to straddle me.
“I’ve been thinking about something,” Ben whispers when we take a pause for some air.
“What’s that, handsome?” I ask, nipping at his neck.
“When we were going over the sheets, we both said the only bodily fluids we were open to was cum, but it didn’t mention in what manner. Like obviously, we’ve both given blow jobs to each other, but what would you think about getting tested and going without condoms?” he inquires. “I’ve always used condoms with any guy I’ve been with in the past, and I’m on PrEP. I just keep having these dirty daydreams about you breeding me. It seriously gets me all hot and bothered.”
The idea of filling him with my load has popped into my mind before, but I wasn’t sure when would be the right time to bring it up. Now that Ben’s talking about it, I’m one hundred percent on board.
“That’s a big step,” I reply, wanting to just say yes and book an appointment at the clinic, but knowing I need to make sure this is the right move for us. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?”
Ben nibbles on his lower lip. There is a hint of doubt behind his eyes, which is what I was worried about.
“I’d love to be bare with you, baby,” I assure him, making sure he doesn’t just assume I’m saying this because I don’t want to experience this with him. “But I need to be sure you aren’t making this decision impulsively. How about we book appointments for testing but still think about it for a little bit before we take the plunge.”
Ben’s eyes glimmer as he nods. “I like that idea.”
I grin, then kiss him again. “Daddies are usually pretty good at coming up with solutions to things.”