“Fuck, was I that loud?” I ask.
“Dude, did you actually think you were being quiet? I was wondering if you were filming a porno or something with how loud you were,” Rio informs me, and I groan from embarrassment.
“So, are you okay with him tagging along?” I ask once my embarrassment has faded a little.
“Totally. I’m excited to meet the guy who’s tamed you,” Rio says with a devilish grin. “Maybe I’ll tell him some hilarious stories about you.”
I pick up the Kleenex box sitting on the table beside me and throw it at him. “Don’t embarrass me.”
Rio laughs, holding up his hands in surrender. “I’m just fucking with you. You obviously like this guy a lot, or you wouldn’t have invited him.”
I press my lips together and nod. “He’s different than anyone I’ve ever been with. He’s special.”
Rio gasps. “Damn. This is serious.”
I stick my tongue out at him, but maybe he’s right. Maybe I’m already falling for Ian.
Shit. I just hope he really is the good guy he says he is.
Rio and I are standing outside the shelter, and my stomach flutters a little when Ian parks his car and walks over to us.
“You’re dating the sexy professor?” Rio whisper-shouts before Ian gets too close to hear.
Yeah, I probably should have given Rio that information earlier, but it’s too late now.
“Thanks for inviting me,” Ian says when he reaches us. His shoulders are pulled back, and he stands with the confident air he always has. “I hope I’m not intruding on your friend time.”
Rio shakes his head and smiles at him. “Not at all. The shelter always needs more volunteers. I’m Rio, by the way,” he says, sticking his hand out.
Ian shakes my friend’s hand. “I’m Ian, but I recognize your face, so I assume you know me as Professor Johnson.”
Professor Johnson. Why does the way he just said that have my cock stirring? Maybe I should try calling him that in the bedroom. Although it would probably piss him off since he likes to keep our personal and work lives separate.
Rio nods. “Yeah, I figured out who you were. Is it cool that you two are being seen in public together?” he checks. “Or are you supposed to be having some sort of secret relationship?”
Ian chuckles. “We’ve already filed the proper paperwork with the school, so we’re fine to do whatever we want. We probably shouldn’t flaunt our relationship on school grounds, but they aren’t able to tell us we can’t be seen in public together.”
“Oh, that’s cool. I guess it makes sense they would have a policy like that, considering how big the school is and how many students and faculty there are. I bet there are a lot of teachers who have dated students over the years.”
“I’m not sure of the exact numbers, but it’s safe to say Ben and I aren’t the first,” Ian supplies.
“Okay, now that we have that awkwardness out of the way, let’s go help cute animals get adopted,” I say, heading to the shelter’s front door.
Ian holds it open for Rio and me, making me grin like a lovesick fool, which is completely out of the normal for me, and by the way Rio is fighting a smirk, he noticed.
“Such a gentleman,” Rio whispers, and I shove him gently with my shoulder teasingly.
“He’s mine, so back off,” I reply quietly, making him laugh.
Ian shakes his head with his lips pressed together like he’s fighting a grin. I wonder if he thinks we’re acting childish, not that I really care.
Once we’ve filled out the required volunteer paperwork at the front desk, the lady directs us to where we need to go.
“We need two volunteers with the dogs and one with the cats,” she informs us, giving us the option to go where we want.
“I love cats,” Rio says, and the lady smiles.
“Perfect, follow me,” she states, walking away.