“Have fun, you two,” Rio says, following the lady.
“I would have been fine with the cats if you wanted to spend time with your friend,” Ian assures me, but I shake my head.
“If Rio didn’t want to be with the cats, he wouldn’t have volunteered. Besides, it’s going to be fun hanging out with you for the day while sex is completely off the table.”
Ian smiles. “I agree. It will give us time to learn more about each other.”
Once the lady is back, she guides us to the puppies or rather, dogs.
“I’ve always wanted a dog,” I tell Ian when the lady leaves, moving to sit on the floor where two adorable furry friends saunter my way and lick my face.
“Me too,” Ian replies, also sitting to give a big poodle some belly rubs. “But it just didn’t seem fair to get a dog and not be able to give them the love and attention they deserve.”
“That’s always been my way of thinking too. Maybe one day when I’ve finished all my schooling and have settled down in my career, I’ll adopt one,” I state.
“Are you planning on staying in Michigan?” Ian asks, and I shrug.
“I don’t have ties anywhere, so I could if someone was hiring, but I could probably find a job anywhere I wanted,” I supply.
Ian nods but doesn’t respond. Did he want me to say I was staying? Does he see us being together that far in the future?
“But I still have a long way to go before I have to make those kinds of decisions,” I add. “I guess I’ll have to start thinking more about where I want to spend my life and do my residency after I graduate from medical school, but that’s still over four years away.”
“What made you choose such a long career path?” Ian asks.
I’ve been asked a version of this question a million times before, but most people who ask it sound judgmental. It’s almost like they don’t think I’m smart enough to accomplish what I’m setting out to take on. But Ian seems genuinely curious, and there isn’t a hint of animosity in his voice.
“It just felt right. I knew it was going to be hard to achieve, but I wanted to follow my heart.”
The way Ian is staring with this awe-filled expression has me squirming a little, but thankfully, the poodle has a plan to break the tension and gets up to lick Ian’s face, making us laugh.
“Your breath is disgusting,” Ian scolds the poodle, who isn’t offended in the least bit and licks his face again. “I was hoping for a French kiss at some point today, but I was hoping it would be from the man I’m seeing, not a furry lady like yourself.”
I laugh as Ian talks to the poodle, enjoying our time together. But, of course, now I’m considering what we could get up to when we spend some time alone together later tonight. Mental images of making out and more pop into my head, causing my cheeks to heat.
“Get your head out of the gutter,” Ian jokingly scolds with a smirk.
“You’re the one who brought up French kissing,” I remind him.
“Would you like to come over after we’re done here?” he asks.
“I’ll check with Rio, but that can probably be arranged,” I reply.
We spend the rest of the day helping people find the perfect dog while also laughing like crazy and learning new things about each other. By the time the adoption day is over, I’m tired but excited to spend more time with Ian.
It seems crazy that less than a week ago, I was running away from Ian, terrified about developing feelings for him and wanting to create some distance between us, to now, being here and wanting to spend all my free time with him. It’s funny how things change so quickly.
When we finished at the shelter, Ben went home with Rio to grab a change of clothes in case he wants to spend the night, which I really hope he does. He also wanted to have his car so I didn’t have to drive him home at the crack of dawn before I had to be at school. I can’t say I blame him.
While I wait for him, I print off a kink checklist Ben and I briefly spoke about when we decided on this arrangement. We really bonded today, and I’m no longer afraid he’s going to tuck tail and run at the smallest thing. Even if Ben doesn’t want to take our Daddy/boy relationship outside of the bedroom, it will still be good for us to be on the same page. And learning more about each other’s limits is never a bad thing.
No sooner do I finish going over everything than there is a knock at my front door, and I go to let Ben in.
“Sorry I took longer than planned,” Ben apologizes when I open the door. “Bronny was home, and Rio spilled the beans that you and I are dating…” He pauses at his word choice, his eyes going wide. “I mean, messing around, fuck buddies, friends with benefits, whatever this is.” Ben’s words are rushed, and I place my hand on his shoulder to try and calm him.