“Nikolai!” He doesn’t even glance in my direction. “Where have you been?”
“I had a nasty run-in with another vrakken.” Nikolai shrugs one shoulder, and I want to scream. It’s like they both don’t know I’m here.
But at least I know that's what the creature that attacked me was called. Or maybe that’s what these two are, too, even though they have wings and he did not. I commit the name to memory as Nikolai and Lev clasp forearms in clear camaraderie, planning to learn more about it later.
"The base isn't far. I'll escort you the rest of the way," Lev says, flashing a grin that reveals his own fangs. A chill runs down my spine at the sight, my self-preservation instincts on high alert being surrounded by two apex predators.
Lev gestures for us to follow him deeper into the shadowy forest. Nikolai seems relaxed with his ally, laughing and conversing easily, but doesn't bother to introduce us. I trail silently behind the two imposing winged men, unease creeping up my spine. I wish the trees would offer me some form of guidance or reassurance, but they remain eerily motionless.
Where exactly are they taking me? And what awaits us at this mysterious base? Apprehension twists my insides into knots, but I force myself to continue putting one foot in front of the other.
I trail after Lev and Nikolai as we wind through the dense forest. After about a mile, the trees thin out and we enter a sunlit clearing filled with wildflowers. A sprawling complex rises up in front of us.
My eyes widen as we pass through what must be a field of magic as it crackles over me into a bustling courtyard. There are some people – or is it vrakken – that have wings, but most look almost human. I can tell the distinction, though. The vrakken look otherworldly, even without wings.
The main building is massive with various hallways that shoot off. It’s simple, made with thick wood and no windows that I can see. As we approach, I can see a few smaller buildings and training areas that are similar to things I have seen in Liiandor. It’s all simplistic, but there’s a sense of peace. No one here is barking orders or screaming, not like on the dark elf farm, and I’m stunned that I actually found the base.
Nikolai doesn't even glance at me as we enter the main doors into the main building. The space hums with activity, mostly humans clustered in conversation or gathered eating at the kitchenette area.
Lev turns to me, looking at me for the first time. "Alina will help you get settled." he explains, cracking the door open to another bustling rooom. A young woman about my age glances up from where she's perched on one of the counters. Shoulder length curly red hair frames a round, freckled face and warm brown eyes.
She hops up, walking toward us, and Lev gives her a nod before he and Nikolai take off in the opposite direction. "Hi there! I'm Alina," she introduces herself with a dimpled grin. Her enthusiasm is infectious.
"I'm Jessa," I reply with a tentative smile.
"Welcome Jessa! Let me show you around." Alina links her arm through mine and leads me down the plain wooden hallway.
"This will be our room." She pushes open a door to reveal a snug space just big enough for two small cots on opposite walls and notably no window. A worn woven rug adds a splash of color to the scuffed floorboards. “My last roommate just got mated so I guess you’ll be bunking with me.”
At the end of the hall is a shared bathroom with a row of sinks and shower stalls with faded floral curtains. Alina shows me where to find fresh towels and toiletries.
"Come on, the best part is out here!" She guides me back outside into the late morning sunshine. The grounds are peaceful, with rambling gardens cared for by the humans. “Since we need to eat, unlike the vrakken, we handle growing the food. You can’t trust what grows in the wildspont. It could be poisoned by magic.”
As we meander through the rows of vegetables and herbs, inhaling their earthy scents, I glance at Alina curiously. "So what exactly is this place?"
She doesn’t even blink, like she’s explained it a dozen times. I wonder if she always helps new girls get acclimated. "The vrakken have been enemies of the dark elves for centuries. Supposedly, they were brought here at the start of Protheka by their god, Akeldama, who created the First – the first vrakken that is. They’re immortal, super strong, have magic.” She shrugs. “Really the only downside is they can’t be in the sun. Even though there’s a sun glamour over the base, they’re pretty nocturnal. And they only drink blood, so you have to watch out a little.”
She shoots me a look. “They've been bringing humans here from the villages to bolster their ranks because there’s going to be another war against the dark elves. So I guess you’re our latest recruit!"
I chew my lip, digesting this information. I still have so many unanswered questions, but Alina redirects me towards a long rectangular building before I can ask more.
"Let's get some food first, I bet you're starving!" She pulls open the heavy wooden door, a waft of delicious scents hitting me.
Inside is a massive kitchen bustling with activity. Cooks tend bubbling pots on fiery stoves while others knead dough or carve meat. My mouth waters.
Alina leads me to a counter overflowing with fresh baked bread, roasted meats, and bowls of mixed vegetables. My stomach growls loudly at the spread. After filling a plate, she hands me a metal cup full of cool water.
We settle at a long table, the wood worn smooth by use. I'm halfway through my meal when Nikolai and Lev stride back through the dining hall, deep in discussion. He’s dressed now, moving around well and perfectly healed. It almost hurts to look at him, though.
As if sensing my gaze, Nikolai's amber eyes flick to mine for a brief second. The cold indifference in his expression steals my breath. It's as if the tender moments we shared meant nothing to him now. The whiplash of his mood leaves me reeling.
I stare after him long after he's disappeared from view, questions swirling dizzyingly. How could he go from saving my life so gently to treating me with such cruelty and disregard?
Nikolai clearly regrets what passed between us, though his mixed signals in the cave told a different story. I won't let him avoid me and pretend it never happened, no matter how much his rejection stings.
I need answers - about us, and about this place he's brought me to. If he won't give them willingly, then I'll seek them out myself. Nikolai underestimates my determination if he thinks he can ignore me forever.
Turning back to my plate, I push away the hurt threatening to overwhelm me. I'll learn what I can from Alina for now. But when the time comes, Nikolai won't be able to dodge me any longer.