Page 21 of Fated to the Damned


The floor is cold when I wake up. Without opening my eyes, I reach out, but my arms come up empty.

“Nikolai?” I ask groggily as I sit up. I squint against the bright sun shining into the cave as I stretch out.

My entire body aches, but I don’t mind it. I feel oddly at peace for the first time ever. I’m waking up when I want with no plans and no one else to bother me–

No one else.

The fog of sleep quickly evaporates. “Nikolai!” I yell, my throat hoarse as I scramble for my clothes. I need water and food, but first and foremost, I need to know if he left me.

I stumble out of the cave as I finish pulling my pants up, and relief hits me. I see a giant pair of black wings across the clearing. “There you are.”

He doesn’t turn around, though. I walk towards Nikolai, confused why he doesn't acknowledge me. "What's going on?"

He remains facing away, massive wings folded rigidly behind him. In the morning light I can see his body is fully healed - not a scratch remains on smooth pale skin or sculpted muscle. His pants are tattered, shirt gone, but he looks strong and whole.

He remains facing away, massive wings folded rigidly behind him. After an endless moment, Nikolai turns halfway, still not quite meeting my eyes. "Go get water. We're leaving."

With that, he stalks back into the cave, leaving me stunned. Rejection pierces through the hazy bliss of last night. What did I do wrong?

I gave him my blood, I nursed him to health, and he took it all. It’s not like he didn’t seem to enjoy it. He was very actively participating.

Anger and hurt well up inside me at his cold dismissal. But he’s right about one thing at least – we need to get to the base. Maybe I could figure something out along the way. So, I steel myself and head to the nearby stream I found yesterday.

I wash up quickly and drink my fill, emotions churning. By the time I return to the cave mouth, Nikolai is emerging, though what he was inside for I’m not sure. He strides right past me into the forest without even looking in my direction.

Fighting back tears, I hurry to catch up. His indifference hurts more deeply than any wound could. But I refuse to let it show, holding my head high as I follow silently into the forest.

I trail behind Nikolai as he navigates effortlessly through the dense forest. The trees are oddly still and silent this time, no longer caressing me forward.

After some time, Nikolai glances back, brow furrowed. "How did you find me before, in the cave?"

I meet his piercing gaze. "The trees led me to you."

He stares at me for a long moment. Before he can respond, a branch reaches out to brush my shoulder. I feel the trees urging me onward once more.

Nikolai's eyes widen fractionally as another branch nudges me forward. "The trees...they respond to you?"

"They helped lead me to safety before," I reply, letting the trees guide my path. "I think they wanted me to find you."

Nikolai is silent, watching the swaying boughs intently. I can't decipher his pensive expression. Without a word, he turns and continues walking briskly.

I hurry after Nikolai, nearly jogging to keep up as his long strides eat up the distance. He navigates effortlessly through the tangled underbrush while I stumble over protruding roots and vines, which do not seem inclined to help me besides the one appearance.

The forest is oddly subdued, even the chattering of birds and insects muted. In fact, even the wind seems still, not helping me again just like the trees. Unease swirls within me at their unnatural stillness.

"Do you actually know where we're going?" I finally dare to ask Nikolai after nearly twisting my ankle for the third time.

He doesn't slow or look back at me as he responds with a derisive sneer. "Of course I know where we're going."

I flinch at the contempt in his voice. Just yesterday he was saving me – fucking me – and now he addresses me so cruelly. The emotional whiplash leaves me reeling.

Before I can dwell on his confusing behavior, a sudden rush of air stirs the branches overhead. I glance up just as a winged figure drops from the canopy, controlling his descent with slow sweeps of massive black wings like Nikolai’s.

He lands nimbly in front of us, wings spread wide before folding neatly against his muscular back. Up close, I see his chiseled features are incredibly handsome, with high cheekbones and intense green eyes. Long golden hair spills over his shoulders in tousled waves.

"Lev!" Nikolai greets him, the warmth in his voice a sharp contrast to how he's been speaking to me.