“Damn, baby, can I get your number? Are we in Tennessee because you’re the only ten I see.”
She scans my face, looking for a lie. She won’t see it, because I’m not lying, she is a bombshell. When she sees the truth in my eyes, she is smiling from ear to ear.
She looks amazing in this bathing suit. I will keep hyping her up because she is really beautiful inside and out and she deserves to see what I see.
We’re at the table doing our nails while The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 is playing. I remember the first time I watched it when I was ten. I read the books, and my uncle took me to see the movie. I was so mad when they killed Carlisle, only for it to be a vision. Boy, everyone in the theater was upset.
“I remember when I first saw this movie, I thought everyone in the theater was going to riot when that happened.” I commented.
We both laugh while we chat and get to know each other better. She loves mango and chamoy sauce and she even brought some with her for the lake. Just like her brother, I feel like she’s someone I’ve known my whole life. Even though I had my reservations about new people in my life, I knew we would be friends. I know when a special someone comes into her life, he better be great to her.
We finish our nails as the movie ends, and it’s time to head out. We hop into my Jeep blasting Sorry not Sorry by Demi Lovato and Exes by Tate McRae on the drive to the lake.
We arrive at Xander’s house—he lives down a long dirt road and when we pull up, it’s so damn nice. It’s right on the water, and it’s big, but not too big. The house has white and wood accents. There are big trees along the path and rocking chairs on the porch. We get to the door and knock, Xander opens the door with a big smile on his face and pulls both of us in for a hug.
“You came!” he says with a megawatt smile on his face.
He is handsome, but not my type. I know he’s a wild guy, but I think when the right girl comes along and knocks him on his ass, he won't know what to do with himself.
We can’t help but smile when he smiles.
“Of course! I told you we would. Talon here yet?”
“Yeah, he’s out back drinking a beer. Do y’all want anything?”
“Dr. Pepper, if you have any.”
“I'll have water for now, is my brother here?”
“He’s out back by the lake too. You can head out back and I'll bring your drinks out to you.”
We walk through the house and it’s gorgeous black and white with gold accents but it's not like those homes that are for show—this lake house looks lived in and comfortable. We walk outside and I spot Rocky right away. He’s with some blonde girl.
I roll my eyes. Figures he’s a player.
Oh well. I just got out of a relationship. I don't need this drama in my life. I have new friends and it’s hot girl summer.
We walk down to the lake that’s like a beach and set our towels down. I brought my favorite one that’s the Puerto Rican flag. I got it a couple years ago on our last family trip there.
“I love your towel.”
I break out of my daydream, smile at Autumn and thank her. It’s still hard to talk about my parents, and today is supposed to be a fun day. I’ll go back to hating July tomorrow.
“Your towel is beautiful, it’s my favorite color.” I say with a smile. It’s a pretty round towel that is a mixture of greens and has gorgeous frills on the edges.
“Thank you! Did you bring sunblock? I forgot.”
“Oh yeah, I did, ya girl burns,” I say with a laugh.
You would think because my skin is naturally tan that I wouldn’t burn, but oh no, I can turn as red as a lobster. I take it out of my bag and hand it to her, she is rubbing some on—I love this one, it smells like coconut and banana, and reminds me of my mom. I stocked up because if and when they decide to discontinue it, I’ll have some saved.
I pull out my Wayfarer sunglasses and put them on so I can scan the lake. I spot Talon, Rocky, and Xander—who has our drinks.
“Xander!” I call out, and they all swing their heads over towards us.
“I’m coming, gorgeous!” he says with a smile, like he knows something I don’t and swaggers on over to us. He crouches down and gives us our drinks.
He whispers in between us. “Play along.”