Page 19 of Ryder

By the time I get home, I’ve managed to compose myself. “Hi hunny, I’m home,” I call out to Mya as I make my way through to the kitchen and grab a pack of ice, pressing it to my cheek.

“Are you okay?” she calls back.

I go into the living room where she’s sitting with Harlee watching television. I lean against the door frame and force a smile. “All good. You?”

She watches me with suspicious eyes. “That his handy work?” she asks, giving me a pointed stare.

“I’m fine,” I mutter. I lean over the back of the couch and kiss Harlee on the head. “How was your day, Popple?” I ask.

“Good,” she says on a yawn.

The doorbell rings out and I glance at Mya nervously. If Finn’s here, I can’t deal with him and as if she reads my mind, she gets up to answer it. A minute later she calls to me, “It’s Ryder.”

My heart does a happy leap and I go through to the hall, “Then let him in,” I tell her and she steps to one side.

Ryder’s eyes fix on the ice pack and he immediately tugs my hand away to check. “What happened?”

I shrug, “I fell, stupid really,” I lie.

Mya closes the door, “I’ll watch Harlee,” she mutters going into the living room and closing the door.

“I stopped by the hotel to give you a ride home,” he says, following me through to the kitchen. I wince, keeping my back to him as my mind races to think up another lie. “And imagine my surprise when the guy on the desk told me you left with Finn.”

I turn to face him, “Sorry. I didn’t say because I didn’t want to argue about it.”

He moves closer until I’m pressed against the counter and his body his flanking mine. “And this,” he asks, gently rubbing a thumb over my cheek.

“Harlee told the nursery that Finn hit her,” I say, trying to distract him. “I had to call them and sort it out . . .”

“The mark on your skin, Neve,” he says, more firmly.

“And things got heated between us because he was stressed and . . .”

Ryder pushes off the counter with a deadly look in his eye, and heads for the door. I rush after him, grabbing his arm frantically, “No, don’t go to him,” I beg. “Please, you’ll make it worse.”

He shrugs me off and my bruised shoulder hits the wall again, this time I cry out, gripping it. Ryder frowns, taken my wrist in his hand and holding me still while he lifts the sleeve of my shirt. There’s a deep bruise forming and he arches a brow, waiting for me to speak. “Please,” I whisper, tears springing to my eyes. “Don’t go there and cause an issue.”

He sighs, pulling me against his chest and holding me. “Siren, this can’t go on. He put his fucking hands on you. I can’t let that slide. What did you tell the school?”

“I lied,” I admit, feeling shame wash over me. “I said it was play fighting.”

“Jesus. And what happens when he does it again?”

I cry harder. “I know, okay, but I was scared and I didn’t know what else to do.”

“You have me now, Neve. Next time, you call me. Next time, you don’t go anywhere with him alone. Next time, I’ll make sure I’m there to make shit clear. That man stays the fuck away from you and if he lays a hand on you or Harlee again, I’ll cut them off.” He presses his lips to mine and walks me back to the kitchen. “Tomorrow we go to the school and speak to the head teacher. She needs to know the situation.”

I shake my head. “She hates me, she’s a witch.”

I grin. “I know her well, trust me, she’ll listen.”

I frown, wondering how someone like him could know someone like Miss Hind. She’s a stuck-up cow and I can’t think of any situation that would mean her and Ryder are friends.

Chapter Ten


Neve grips my hand tightly as we sit outside the head teacher’s office. It took me a while to convince her that she needed to be honest about her situation with Finn because she needed a record of the shit he’s been doing, in case he does try and take Harlee.