Page 20 of Ryder

The door swings open and Sissy, or Sarah as she’s known to others, pops her head out. Her smile freezes the second she lays her eyes on me and her expression changes to one of shock. I stand, pulling Neve with me. “Hey Sassy,” I say with a smile. “Long time.”

“Ryder,” she murmurs to herself, like she can’t quite believe her eyes. She’s just how I remember her, only sterner looking. Her red hair is pinned up in a tight bun and her green eyes aren’t as bright as they used to be.

She steps to one side and we go into the office. She points to the two vacant seats and we sit. She goes around to her side and lowers graciously into her seat. “What can I do for you?” she asks, not making eye contact with me. A part of me thought she’d be happier to see me, but right now she looks annoyed.

“It’s about what Harlee told the teacher yesterday,” says Neve.

Sassy opens a paper file. “About her father hitting her?”


“I thought this was cleared up last night?” she asks, fixing Neve with a stern glare.

“I lied,” says Neve and Sassy frowns. “I was scared and Finn made me call and lie.”

“Miss Lawerance, are you saying it wasn’t exaggerated?” Her tone is clipped and Neve reddens with embarrassment.

“Come on Sass,” I mutter, “It was hard for her to come here today and say all this,” I tell her.

She finally brings her eyes to me. “My name is Miss Hind.” I feel the frostiness and smirk. “What is your relation to the child exactly, Ethan?” she adds, quirking a brow.

I sigh and feel Neve’s eyes on me. I hadn’t told her my real name, until this moment I hadn’t thought to. No one uses it but Sassy. “I’m here to support Neve.”

“What a good Samaritan,” she mutters, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “So, Mrs Lawerence. Are you telling me Harlee wasn’t lying and her father did in fact hit her?”

Neve nods, “Yes. I have spoken to him and told him he’s not allowed to do that again.”

“Does it happen often?”

Neve shakes her head. “No. That was the first time.”

“That he struck Harlee,” I add in, and Neve lets go of my hand. “You have to be honest,” I remind her.

“Should I be concerned that Harlee is in danger?” Sarah asks.

“No,” I confirm. “Not anymore.”

“She sees her father at the weekends, but I think this has taught him a lesson, he won’t hit her again,” says Neve.

“Because he won’t be having contact alone,” I add.

Neves eyes burn into the side of my head. We hadn’t discussed it but it’s a sensible move. He can’t be trusted with her alone. “And you’re getting a court order on that, are you?” Sassy asks, making notes in the file.

“It’ll be enforced,” I confirm and Sassy sighs, looking up to me again.

“By law?” she repeats.

I smirk. “You know how this works, Sass,” I say, winking.

She doesn’t appreciate it and instead, lays her pen down. “No, I don’t. Please explain.”

“Look, we can do this, Sassy, we can. I will listen while you yell at me and list all the reasons you hate my guts. But let’s not do it right now.”

“In front of your new girlfriend?” she asks.

I didn’t expect this to be an issue, I’d heard she’d moved on and was now happy with some banking guy. “We’re here to talk about Harlee.”

“I can leave,” says Neve, standing.