“Is that what you call it?” Falcon chuckles.

“Hunting, my ass,” Mason grumbles. “You like shopping way too much for it to be a chore.”

“It’s not my fault I got the better end of the deal,” I joke.

Mason walks over to Lee and hugs her. “Thanks for breakfast. You make the best omelets.”

“It’s called buchimgae,” Falcon corrects him before he gives Lee a hug.

“We’re meeting at Julian’s place at two, right?”

“Yes. He’s already called me, and he sounded nervous, so don’t be late,” Falcon warns.

“I’ll be on time.” I follow the guys to the door and wave after them.I can feel the nervous waves pouring off Julian as he fidgets with his bowtie once again.

“Now it’s crooked again,” Falcon says as he straightens the material around his brother’s neck.

“Do you want a drink?” Mason asks, standing ready to pour Julian a whiskey.

“Yeah, pour him one,” Falcon answers while patting Julian’s shoulder.

“I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” Julian grumbles, a far sight from the brusque businessman he’s always been. He downs the amber liquid then clears his throat.

“It’s a big day for you,” I say. “It’s normal to feel nervous.”

Falcon checks the time, then glances at all of us. “It’s time.”

Julian takes a couple of deep breaths before we all head out of his room. The wedding is taking place at the Reyes’ mansion.

When we walk out onto the front porch, my eyes scan over the rows of chairs where the ceremony will take place and the white tents, which shades the tables where the reception will be. Everything is decorated in white, silver, and lilac.

Soft music fills the air as I follow the guys to the front and take my place between Falcon and Mason. Julian leans closer to Falcon and whispers, “You have the rings, right?”

Falcon pats his jacket, right over his chest. “Yes. I’ve checked a hundred times already.”

“Good.” Julian lets out a deep breath. “I want today to be perfect for Jamie.”

“It will be.” Falcon gives his brother a reassuring smile.

The music changes, and a few seconds later, Jamie’s niece, Danny, comes walking down the aisle, strewing white rose petals on the floor.

She’s followed by Della and Miss Sebastian, and then Andy Grammer’s Don’t give up on me begins to play.

I glance at Julian’s face, and I watch as emotions play across his features. He takes a couple of deep breaths, and then he freezes. His eyes begin to well with tears, and as he sucks in a shaky breath, I turn my gaze to Jamie at the foot of the aisle.

Rhett, Marcus, Logan, Jaxson, and Carter are all lined up, and Jamie takes a moment to kiss each one on the cheek. I can’t hear what they’re saying to each other, but by the time Jamie reaches Carter, the guys are all trying to wipe tears away without making it obvious.

She looks beautiful as she slowly walks toward us, with Carter by her side.

When I hear Julian’s breath hitch, I feel the emotion push up my throat, and I swallow hard.

Reaching the front, Carter turns to Jamie and arranges her veil over her head. They stare at each other for a good minute before Carter turns to Julian. “I trust you’ll take care of her the same way I have.”

Julian shakes Carter’s hand. “I will.”

Taking a step closer to Jamie, there’s so much love shining from Julian’s eyes. “You take my breath away.”

“You look pretty amazing yourself,” Jamie teases as she wipes another tear from her cheek.

They face the pastor, and then my eyes find Lee’s, and I stare at my wife as I silently say my vows to her again.

Tomorrow we start our travels, and I can’t wait to show Lee the world.Chapter 3Three months later…Mason“Mason Chargill!” Kingsley yells from her bedroom. I dart off the couch and rush to the front door, but I’m too late as she comes storming toward me. “Did you steal my last Hershey’s bar again?”

“It wasn’t me, this time.” I glance at Layla for help, but she’s just watching us with a huge grin.

Kingsley scowls at me and shoves her fists in her sides. “That’s it. If you ever plan on getting lucky again, you better bring me a whole box.”

Layla snorts as she tries to keep from laughing, then she admits, “Mason’s innocent this time. It was me.”

Kingsley instantly deflates. “Oh, that’s okay then.”

Say what now?

My eyebrow shoots up, and I stalk closer to her. “So, it’s okay for Layla to eat your candy, but not me?”

“Yes. Layla at least contributes to the stash where you just deplete it.”

Falcon comes out of Layla’s room, and he must’ve heard us talking because there’s a wide grin on his face as he asks me, “You need backup?”

“No, I’m good. We need to get going anyway. I have an early meeting.” I close the distance between Kingsley and me and wrapping an arm around her waist, I pull her against my chest. “You’re still spending this weekend at my place, right?”