She nods then pushes up on her tiptoes so she can press a kiss to my lips. Pulling back, she whispers, “I’ll miss you until then.”

“I’ll miss you too.” I kiss her again before I let her go.

Falcon says goodbye to Layla then walks toward the front door.

I can’t wait until Kingsley’s done with school. The house is too big for me alone, and once she’s living with me, I’ll be able to spend more time with her.

“Good luck with your exams this week,” I add before I pull the door shut behind us.

We’re quiet as we walk to the elevator, and as we step inside, Falcon asks, “Who’s the meeting with?”

“New investors. Rhett will also be at the meeting, so I’ll probably have lunch with him. I haven’t seen him since the wedding.”

“Jamie told Layla that Carter and Della are thinking about moving to LA,” Falcon mentions as the doors open.

“With Logan moving here to take over our legal department, it doesn’t surprise me that Carter is following behind him. The guys are pretty close, and Jamie’s here as well.”

As we walk toward my car, Falcon’s phone starts to ring. Pulling it from his pocket, he looks at the screen then smiles. “It’s Julian.” He answers the call as I unlock the car. “Hey, are we still on for dinner tomorrow night?” Falcon reaches for the door but then pauses as something similar to shock registers on his face. “Are you serious?”

“What?” I ask as I move closer to him, worried that something might have happened.

A smile spreads across Falcon’s face, then he says, “Congrats, but I have to say you didn’t waste any time.”

I let out a breath and wait for Falcon to finish the call before I ask, “What happened?”

“Jamie’s pregnant. Julian’s going to be a dad.”

My eyes widen with surprise, and then I begin to chuckle. “They really didn’t waste any time. I think I’d have a heart attack if Kingsley fell pregnant.”

“That makes two of us. Being sleep deprived will make you grumpy as hell, and I’ll have to listen to you complaining about changing diapers,” Falcon teases as he climbs in the car.

I walk around the front of the car and get in behind the steering wheel before I reply, “You’re one to talk. You’ll be just as bad as me.”KingsleyThe instant Layla and I walk into the Reyes’ living room, I let out a shriek and rush over to Jamie. Throwing my arms around her, I hug her tightly. “Congratulations!”

Mason called me last night to share the news. Layla and I decided right then we’d take an hour out of our study schedule to come and visit Jamie.

I pull back so Layla can hug her, then I add, “I can’t believe you’re going to be a mom.”

“Yeah, it was a surprise to me as well,” Jamie says, but there’s a warm smile on her face.

“Do you know how far along you are?” Layla asks.

“Three months.”

“Oooh… that must’ve been some honeymoon,” I tease as I sit down on one of the couches.

Layla and Jamie sit down as well, then Layla asks, “How’s the morning sickness?”

“Not bad. I actually thought I had a stomach bug, but it turned out I’m expecting.”

I let out a chuckle. “Yeah, half the campus has the stomach flu.” There’s a moment’s silence following my words, then I ask, “How do you feel about being pregnant?”

A nervous smile begins to play around Jamie’s lips. “We didn’t plan on starting with a family so early, but now that I’m pregnant, a part of me is excited.”

“You’re going to be a great mom,” Layla says to encourage Jamie, then she rises from the chair. “We have to get back to studying.”

“Thanks for coming over.” Jamie smiles as she walks us to the door. “Once we’re done with exams, we should arrange a spa day.”

“Definitely,” I agree. I give Jamie a quick hug then walk toward my car.

Once I’m steering the car out of the gates, Layla mentions, “She seems to be handling it well.”

“Yeah.” I let out a deep breath. “I’m not sure what I would do if I were in her shoes. I’m so not ready to give up my candy stash for anything.”

“Me too. No coffee for nine months would be the end of my sanity,” Layla jokes.Grabbing eyedrops, I put some in and blink a couple of times. The relief is instant as the gravelly and burning sensation eases.

If I don’t get an A for this exam, I’ll be super upset. I can’t remember when last I studied so hard for a subject. I’ve been giving it my all the past three days, and with the exam looming tomorrow, I know I can’t slack now.

I walk to Layla’s room, and after knocking, I open the door and peek inside. She’s lying on the bed with her legs up against the wall. “How are you doing?”