Page 94 of The Devils' Darling

“Yeah.” I clarify when I see the fear in her eyes get worse. “It’s not like before. I’m not taking more than the allowed amount, but I’ve not cut down yet either, and I’m scared when I try I won’t be able to.”

“You must, Tino. You can do it. For me … maybe for us.”

She puts her hand on her stomach, and there’s a protectiveness in the gesture that stirs something deep inside me.

“What do you need?” I ask.

“Wait while I do the test here? I’m scared that if I am pregnant this baby will be cursed.”

“Cursed?” I stare at her in confusion. “Why would it be?”

“Because I am, Tino. I bring nothing but chaos and destruction everywhere I go.”

Tears build in her eyes, but she blinks them back. I take her hand and squeeze it.

“Kenzie, that’s not on you. It’s not your fault life got so screwy. It was the people around you who failed you.” I realize there and then that I cannot be another of those people, no matter how bad I feel. “And you bring something else, too. Love. We all love you.”

“You, too?”

“Absolutely, me too.”

She bites her lower lip. “I’m frightened because of my epilepsy. What if my meds affect how the baby develops? What if it means I won’t be able to be a good mom?”

“You’ll be an amazing mom, and we’ll make sure you have the best medical care, I swear it. Nothing will be too much.”

She draws a shaky breath and nods.

“Come on,” I say gently, “let’s do this test and find out if we’re going to be parents.”

Her fingers feel so small in mine as I lead her to the bathroom. I’ll never forget that, in this moment, she came to me, and I’ll do whatever the hell it is I need to in order to step up if this test is positive.

Chapter 42


My hand shakes as I pull my zipper down. Tino is in the room with me, and I don’t care. This man has had his cock inside me at the same time as his friend. I think I can deal with him seeing me pee.

Sitting on the seat, I unwrap the test. It trembles in my grip, and my heart races like it’s trying to escape my chest. I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous in my entire life.

I read the instructions and then read them again, making sure I understand exactly what I’m supposed to do. I know it’s basically just peeing on a stick, but I still want to get this right.

“You okay?” Tino asks.

I nod. “Yes, I’m doing it now.”

He looks as nervous as I feel.

I hold the stick beneath me. The position is awkward, but I think it’s in the right place. Now I just have to convince my bladder to let go. For a moment, I don’t think it’s going to happen, but then I relieve myself over the end of the stick.

When I’m done, I put the lid back on and place it on the vanity. Then I wipe and put my clothes back in order.

“How long do we wait?” Tino asks as I wash my hands.

“It says up to three minutes.”

He nods and sets an alarm on his phone.

“This is going to be the longest three minutes of my life,” I say.