As much as he didn’t want to think of her at this moment, it reminded him of his experiences with Diana—how he hit a similar spot of pleasure inside her. “So men have it too…”
“Yes, we do. I want to make you feel good, so good and much more, my dear Kent.”
Mo slipped in a third finger, gaining another moan out of Kent. And Kent moved his hands, one grasping for leverage on the rough ground under the water, the other petting the one of Mo’s on his thigh. Every flick and rub stoked a fire inside Kent’s abdomen, burning hot and continuing to grow. He wanted more, more of this, more of Mo. If this already felt good, he could only imagine what it would feel like to take Mo’s?—
“Do you think you’re ready?” Mo asked with a smile.
“Yes, please,” Kent begged.
Mo finally pulled his hand away, leaving a loss that Kent was already mourning. But Mo used the time to pump his own cock, slicking himself further. “Hmm, what would be best…?”
Kent understood then that one of them should probably change positions to make this the most comfortable for them both. “Let me move—here—” Kent flipped onto his stomach, perking his arse into the air; his hard cock tickled the gentle water underneath him. “Can you… ‘kneel’ behind me?” He looked back, over his shoulder.
That got Mo to chuckle. “Yes, absolutely. My tail is just as strong as your legs to kneel, mind you. Only, I’ve no feet to stand on, so, there’s that.” He then tugged his necklaces off, placing the glowing sea crystal into the water. “There, that way I don’t scratch you with these.”
“Good thinking.”
Then, Mo knelt and placed one hand on Kent’s waist, the other on the ground for stability, bending over top of him, rutting his hefty, slithering cock between his cheeks. It was so wet, dripping its warm, slick fluid into the crease, making Kent clench his thighs. He quivered as he felt Mo ready himself against his hole—oh, this really is happening, isn’t it?
With a small push, Mo eased himself inside.
Damn, did that feel wonderful. Here they were, under the dark night sky, trying something together that Kent wouldn’t have even dreamt possible merely a couple months ago. But it was very real, how Mo sunk himself in further, gently pressing his thick mer-cock into him. A merman. Inside him. Just thinking about it more made Kent moan, his own cock leaking into the water below, helping Mo along the way by holding himself steady.
Despite Mo pressing gradually, it did sting a bit, with how his body pulled and stretched for him. But Kent persevered. This was their first time; he was so new to the intrusion of something inside him, and with each push further, any burn he felt was masked with overwhelming, unmistakable pleasure. He focused on that, how delighted Mo made him feel.
He heard Mo growl a low trill. And he remembered—that meant fuck in mer-tongue. Fuck, indeed. “Kent, you… oh, you feel so good,” he said, breathing against his back, cock now completely flushed inside. It was such an immense feeling of fullness, how it stretched him, how it writhed around, how it pulsed with every heartbeat. Mo stayed still for a moment, and Kent relished in the amazing sensation.
“It does feel good,” he replied. He almost couldn’t believe how they were connected, especially given Mo’s copious size. Inhumanly substantial. He was really inside him. Oh, Lord.
Mo pulled out slightly, only to ease himself back in. Slowly, at first; it was comforting to know how careful his merman was to not hurt him. But Kent wanted more. It almost felt unlike himself, having never thought of wishing this sort of thing in the past. But he couldn’t deny himself—Mo awakened something so deep and precious within, and Kent wanted to give into it desperately.
He pushed back with his hips, as words were hard to form with how much he was moaning. Thankfully, Mo took the hint, and hastened his pace. Oh, did that feel wonderful. Thrust after thrust, Mo fucked him harder, pounding with meaningful force. With another slam, and another, Kent felt his lower belly quake. Each pulse sent shocks throughout his whole body, even reaching up to his throat. Every single part of him felt full.
He held his head up as best he could, trying not to gulp the water beneath them. But it was easier said than done, when all sensations were being consumed. “Mo, the water…” he managed to get out.
Suddenly Mo halted his movement. “Shit. Are you all right?”
“Yes, yes, I’m fine,” he said with a laugh. The concern was so endearing, it warmed his already-hot chest even more.
“I have an idea. If you don’t mind…”
Mo lifted his hand from resting on Kent’s hip and moved it to the back of Kent’s head, clutching his long curls in his fingers, tilting his chin up and out of the water. “There, I’ll keep you like this.”
“Yes, that’s much better. Oh, oh God…”
Mo rocked into him, quickening again, slamming again. Only now, he pulled at Kent’s hair, tugging it back, keeping his face above the water. The slight pain mixed with the absolutely incredible pleasure was sublime, as the pressure kept building, the force unrelenting. More and more and more, Mo fucked into him—flutters pooled in his abdomen, tightening his belly, heat continually rising. Mo leant down further, pushing deeper, breath hot near Kent’s ear. “My dear Kent…”
That sensual raspy voice did him in—after one more thrust, Kent cried out, his release taking him by surprise and gasping out his pleasure. Shocks burst throughout him, making his legs tremble, his breathing drawn out heavy. His mind was swirling just like the water around them, as Mo kept thrusting, elongating the wonderful sensation even further?—
It wasn’t long before Mo let out a loud moan of his own, filling Kent with a warm rush. Pulse after pulse, he spilled into him, overwhelming Kent’s abdomen with even more waves of pleasure. Nothing from before had ever been like this—so entirely encompassing. He shivered from the aftershocks, so dearly content, as Mo finally let go of his hair.
“Wow, Mo… ah…”
Mo rested on top of him a tad longer, but Kent could tell he was exhausted. Kent twitched his shoulder, nudging Mo as a signal that it was fine for him to move.
And so, Mo did. He slid out—that was a strange sensation, as he felt Mo’s spend drip down his thighs—and then plopped down on his back in the water to Kent’s left, throwing his arms out to his sides with a splash. It made Kent chuckle at how sweet Mo looked—mouth parted with vocal breaths, chest rising and falling, cock lolling against his skin and scales.