Page 40 of The Noble's Merman

It was Mo who was first to pull back and speak, “From what I’ve witnessed during eavesdropping, as I’ve told you… How do I say this?” He grinned so handsomely. “I’ve seen human men fuck. Mermen would do it the same way: fuck the other’s hole.”

“Your hole? You mean… your arsehole?”

“I suppose that’s what a human would call theirs.” He chuckled, fondling Kent’s bollocks a little more. Yes, keep doing that. “But since merfolk don’t have legs, ours is on our front. Here…”

With his free hand, Mo guided the one of Kent’s that was residing on his mer-cock down just slightly lower on his body. And there, hidden amongst the blue scales—Kent touched a small puckered part that felt softer than the rest. His hole. Kent’s cheeks burned at the realization, almost feeling the need to pull his hand back. But for some reason, he couldn’t. He wouldn’t lie to himself—he was intrigued, and rubbed the spot a little more, hearing the merman let out another raspy moan. His fingers felt the muscles clench, and wetness from Mo’s cock dripped down into the space.

“Yes, right there,” said Mo.

Kent smiled. “I remember how you said you laid with another merman in the past. Did you… how did you…?” He couldn’t get the words to come out as embarrassment took its course, withholding him from saying the language so plainly.

“I was the ‘giver’ and he was the ‘receiver’, if that’s what you mean to ask.” Kent nodded, and Mo went on. “Which brings me to what I really wanted to ask you…”

Kent bit his lip. He already had a feeling what it was, and it made his gut bubble with more anticipation. “What is it?”

“How would you feel—would you like it if I were to be inside you?”

Kent reflexively pulled his hand away, up to cover his mouth. “Oh, um, well…”

It was entirely new territory. Granted, yes, he’d thought a bit about it since their last meeting, knowing now how Mo’s prick looked and how it felt to touch. And then, how it might feel being penetrated by such a large prick. Just thinking about it again made his own cock twitch. But he’d never done something like that before, not even with his own fingers. He’d only ever been sexual with one other in his life: a woman. To explore that part of himself where he dared not before brought on a subtle hesitation, not because he didn’t want to, but just the fact he was so new to the idea. Everything he knew about the world was being so quickly turned on his head—merfolk existing, magic existing, coming to terms with the fact he really was attracted to men after all, and was so curious to embrace more of that attraction with his merman…

Mo moved his hand from Kent’s bollocks to instead rest on his thigh. “Would you rather do it someway else? I don’t wish to make you uncomfortable?—”

“No, that’s not it,” Kent rasped quickly, putting his hand down and setting it on top of Mo’s. “Oh, I want to. I’d like it a lot. It’s just… I’m nervous. That’s all. I’ve never laid with a man before.”

That made Mo smile again. “And I’ve never laid with a human before. So it’ll be a first for both of us.”

“Yes, yes it would.” He returned the smile.

“Then how would you suggest we do this? If a human’s hole is anything like merfolk’s, I assume you’d need some…” —he held up his hand, put two fingers up together, and curled them a couple times— “preparation.”

Kent gulped; his heart slamming even harder. “Yes. If—if you please.”

How should they do this? Well, definitely not sitting up as they were. So Kent lay down, on his back for the time being, shallow water lapping around the bottoms of his ears. He spread his legs and pulled his knees up for his merman to see. Exposed, in the most intimate way. The butterflies in his chest never stopped fluttering.

They didn’t have any oil on them, but Kent assumed there were other ways to ‘prepare’. Sucking on fingers to coat with saliva, or perhaps using tongues directly. But what Mo actually did surprised him—in the most pleasant, enticing way.

The merman sat between his knees, petting the inside of his thigh with one hand, and with his other, he pumped his mer-cock. After a few strokes, he pulled his hand off to feel along Kent’s leaky stand, moving down slowly past his balls, leaving a slick trail of something wet behind with it.

“That—that oil. Is that from your…?”

Kent gasped as Mo’s gooey fingers reached his hole, making Mo laugh. “Yes, it’s from my cock. From what I understand, it’s a natural way to help make it all more slick and enjoyable. How does it feel?”

“It…” Kent took a deep breath, watching his own chest rise and fall as he looked toward Mo. “It feels very good.”

“All right.”

Mo probed further, one finger sliding easily inside. Kent covered his mouth with both hands as his merman explored. Soon after, he even dared a second finger, surprising even Kent himself at how wonderful the slick sensation felt. It was nothing like he’d ever expected, something so strange, yet entirely enticing. It didn’t even hurt like he might’ve thought; the coating on Mo’s fingers made the movements smooth and pleasant, each time he slid them slowly in and out. Oh, he could get used to this.

As Mo’s fingers were flushed inside, up to the knuckle, he curled them up, hitting a nub inside Kent that sent shocks of pleasure up his spine.

“Oh, oh God…”

He saw Mo smirk above him. “Glad to see I was right—humans have that in just about the same spot as merfolk. Well, I figured such, anyway.”

“What did you do…?” He could barely finish his question as Mo flicked his fingers again.

“Found your sweet spot. I don’t know what it’s actually called, but it’s a spot inside that when touched, feels extraordinary.”