“Can I look now?” I’m teasing Torch because he kept me distracted the entire time.
Torch smirks, “Yes, Firecracker you can look.”
I grin as I bring my arm up. The design is beautiful red and blue flames licking their way up my arm toward a small white daisy. Above it reads Property of and below it says Torch Royal Bastards MC.
“Torch, this is beautiful.” I admire my tattoo some more. Calypso turns my forearm toward her when I’m done and takes a picture of it. Then she hands me a small tube of lotion after she applies it covering the tattoo. She wraps my arm in plastic wrap.
“Keep it covered for a couple of hours and apply this lotion to it every four hours for the next week. Avoid direct sunlight and ocean water for the first twenty-four hours.”
I take the tube out of her hands and she removes her gloves. “Thank you, Calypso.”
“You’re welcome.”
We leave the room after Calypso cleans her station and packs up her equipment. “I hope to see you around.”
“You might.” Calypso turns her attention to Capone when he and Danyella walk out of their room. “Thank you for allowing me to ink one of your girls. Can I go now?”
“Thanks for coming on short notice and yes, you can go. Tell Allura we said hello and don’t be strangers.”
Calypso nods her head and disappears out the door. I hear a bike fire up and she takes off without looking back.
“Listen.” Torch pulls me against his hard body. “We have business to do so Bones is here with the cage to take you ladies home. I promise we’ll celebrate when I get back.” Disappointment fills me but there’s nothing I can do about it. I’ve learned the Club comes first.
“Ok. Please be safe.”
“I will. I promise.” Torch kisses me hard before pulling away and my body craves more of this man.
Bones pulls up to the door with the black SUV Capone bought for Danyella. He has a heated conversation with Torch while the three of us climb inside and once the last door is shut, Bones takes off.
We’re almost back to the Clubhouse when I hear a loud pop and Bones loses control of the SUV.
“What the fuck!” He shouts trying to keep it on the road. Another loud pop and Bones loses all control. We skid to the side and catch the gravel. The SUV flips end over end. I smack my head several times on the window and my ears are ringing. The SUV comes to a skidding stop and I try to look around but I can’t move very well.
Unconsciousness edges its way into my vision but I fight like hell to beat it. My door rips open and strong hands yank me out. I fight with all I have but the blood trailing into my eyes from my head inhibits my ability to see and my head spins.
I smell smoke and burnt rubber when the hands that yanked me out of the SUV drop me onto the ground. I kick out and connect with something solid before a grunt follows and then a fist punches the side of my head. My world goes dark.
Fuck me. Not again. I slip into darkness and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Chapter 14
“Torch, now.” Capone’s angry glare is focused on me while Calypso is inking Daisy.
“What’s up, Prez?” I ask when I close the door behind me.
“We’ve got a problem. I just got word from Allura and they found chatter of a shipment being moved tonight. We need to get to the containers and stop them. Word has it Razor will be there.”
“How much time do we have?” I ask running my hand over my bald head and release a deep breath. The last thing I want to do is leave Daisy, but this is important.
“Long enough to get the girls tattooed then we need to roll out. Bones is on his way with the SUV to pick them up and take them back to the Clubhouse.”
“Fuck. I knew Razor was too quiet lately. I haven’t had a chance to talk to Daisy about her birth parents yet. Want me to do that now or later?”
“Later. She’ll need you with her when she learns the news and this cargo is top priority.”