Page 83 of The Story Of Us

“We felt bad that we didn’t tell you before, but we didn’t really tell anyone.”

“I knew,” she states, matter of factly.

“What?” Isaac and I say in unison, and Izzy just shrugs her shoulders.

“He started being a lot nicer to me last year, so I figured he was dating someone. And you were a lot happier, too, Violet. It didn’t take long for me to put two and two together. And then, after his birthday last year, he was all angsty and moody, and it was so annoying, but I knew something had probably happened.”

We both stare at her and then at each other, a silent conversation passing between us as we try to figure out what to do with this information. Isaac came prepared for an argument, and I came prepared for I don’t even know what kind of confrontation, but we both weren’t prepared for this.


“I’ve been waiting for you to get back together. I kept trying to mention you so that maybe he’d get his act together, but he always just got in a mood instead.”



He raises his finger to point at her, trying to look as menacing as possible, but he doesn’t have anything to say to her, and I have to stifle a laugh.

“I’m happy you’re back together, really I am. But if you hurt her again, I’ll kill you.”

“We didn’t even tell you why we broke up.”

“You obviously messed up.”

Isaac’s jaw drops open, and he looks offended by what she’s saying.

“You’re my sister. Aren’t you supposed to be on my side?”

“No? You’re annoying. I like Violet more.”

Isaac huffs out an exasperated breath, and I rub his arm to soothe him, and this time, I can’t hold back a laugh. He looks down at me, shock on his face.

“This was a mistake. You two are going to gang up on me now.”

“Hmmm, maybe?” I tell him, tilting my head to one side and smiling up at him. I don’t expect him to drop his head to mine and kiss me, but I’m not mad about it.

“Okay, please don’t ever do that in front of me again.”

We look at Izzy and she’s covering her eyes with her hands, her mouth turned down in disgust.

“Sorry,” we say together, but then we dissolve into laughter as Isaac kisses me again.



Somehow, I’ve managed to get through the whole week break without having a conversation with my parents about university. The day after Izzy and I got home, they were both flooded with work, so I’ve avoided them as much as possible by staying in my room whenever they get back at night and only leaving it in the morning once they’ve left the house.

But we have to go back to school tomorrow, and my dad has made it clear that he wants this conversation to happen before I leave. I’m pacing around my room as I wait for him to get home, and I jump when I hear my phone ring, scared that it’s him, but it’s Violet.

“Have you spoken to him yet?” she asks as soon as her face comes into view on my screen. We’ve talked to each other pretty much 24/7 this entire week, but I still can’t wait to go back to school tomorrow and see her.

“Not yet. I’m waiting for him to get home.” I let out a sigh as I sit down on my bed, dread filling me as I think about all the different outcomes.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” she says with a weak smile on her face. I’m not optimistic at all but that doesn’t deter Violet from trying to encourage me even when it seems pointless to her too.

“And what if it’s not?” I ask quietly because although I’ve thought about every worst-case scenario in my head, I haven’t voiced any of them aloud.