Her lips purse and she sneers at me. “You have a stripper name. Do you dance?”
“That’s enough, Lorelei,” Jake states angrily but she just simpers up at him, her bottom lip turned down.
“I was only asking, Jakey.”
“No, you were being a bitch as usual,” Marianna declares, shoving away from the counter and facing the girl who is obviously her sister.
“At least I’m not sharing a dorm with a little slut.”
I place my bottle on the counter with more calm than I feel and turn back to Lorelei. “Are you really so insecure that you need to demean other girls to make yourself feel better?” I hate girls like this bitch and I have no time for that kind of energy in my life.
“I’m not insecure. What would I have to be insecure about? You’re nothing.”
“Bitch, you don’t even know me.” I step closer and I can feel Jake watching me, probably regretting his offer of friendship, and thanking the gods he dodged a bullet with me but whatever. This is me.
“I know you’re coming on to my boyfriend in my house.”
“I’m not your fucking boyfriend, Lorelei.”
She doesn’t even react to his statement, just carries on glaring at me, her fake lashes batting like spider legs on crack.
“You’re right, this is your house, and I’ll leave but let me give you a little warning, Lorelei. I play nice. I’m a nice person until you fuck with me, and then you’ll find out I’m not so nice.”
I shove past her and head for the door as Marianna chases me.
“I’m so sorry, Cherry. She’s such a bitch. I never should have told her you were my roommate and I swear I never said that about you.”
I rub Marianna’s arm as she struggles to stand upright. “It’s fine, we can’t choose family, right? Why don’t you get to bed and I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Why don’t you stay here with me? I don’t like the idea of you getting back to campus alone.”
I’d rather face down a tiger in a meat dress than stay under this roof but I don’t say that to Marianna. She’s sweet and she can’t help it that her step-sister is a total bitch.
“I’ll take her. I have my car and I only had a few sips of beer.”
I look up to see Jake watching us from a few steps back. He gives me a soft smile that is almost contrite. A part of me wants to say no, I don’t need the hassle that comes with his friendship, but I still find myself agreeing.
“Yay. Thanks, Jake.”
Marianna hugs me before I can say no and rushes back into the house. I tilt my head back to keep his gaze as he walks closer, his hands in his pockets. “Won’t your girlfriend mind?”
He shakes his head in annoyance. “Not my girlfriend. Not my anything. We just hooked up, it was nothing.”
“Clearly she doesn’t feel the same way.”
“Well, tough shit, because I’m not interested.”
“Good luck with that. I have a feeling she’ll be harder to shift than a Strep infection.”
Jake rubs his thumb along his lower lip as he chuckles. “You’re something else, Blossom.”
“Yeah, so I hear.” I roll my eyes, but my shoulders sag a little hearing him say it. I should have known that my personality was just too big.
He lifts my chin with his forefinger and raises his eyebrows. “Hey, it was a compliment.”
“Really? You didn’t think I was mouthy or too loud?”
“Are you kidding? It was hot as fuck.”