I study him, looking for the lie, and find none. “Friends, remember? You aren’t meant to find me hot.”
“I agreed to friends, I never agreed not to find you hot.”
I shrug and turn away so he can’t see how pleased that statement makes me. “Using technicalities, Counselor?”
He bends close to my ear as we walk and he steers me towards a sleek, black BMW. “Not a lawyer yet, Blossom, but yes, technicalities and details matter.”
Running my hand over the cool glossy paintwork, I wonder how a boy his age can afford such a luxury car. Maybe he comes from money or he’s a criminal, but I dismiss that instantly. He doesn’t seem like the type to break the law and risk his future, but then I don’t know him. The question is, do I want to? The answer is quick; yes, I do.
“Will you let me give you a ride home? I promise no funny business.”
“Fine, but I’m choosing the music.”
He groans as he flicks the fob on the keyring and the doors unlock. Before I can reach for the door, he stops me, opening my door and reaching over to help me with the belt. I can feel the heat of his body as his hand skims across my belly and latches the clip. My pulse is racing in my neck as he moves slowly, letting his hands linger. Not in an inappropriate way but almost teasing.
“Do you open doors and latch seatbelts for all your friends?” My voice is a husky whisper as I stare at his lips, wondering why the hell I’m resisting him.
“Most of my friends don’t look like you. They’re only a nine, not a twelve.”
I laugh at his reminder of our earlier interaction. “Well, that makes all the difference.”
“Plus, I was taught that a real man doesn’t let a beautiful woman open her own doors, friend or not.”
“Your mom taught you well.”
He glances across at me as he buckles his own belt, a look I can’t define in his eyes. “Not my mom or my dad, but someone who has done more for me than I can ever repay.”
Before I can comment, he turns away and the engine roars to life. There’s a story there, one I want to hear. Jake Marshall isn’t who I thought he was. He’s so much more and it terrifies me because keeping him at arm’s length suddenly seems like a monumental task.
4. Cherry
I woke up early this morning, nervous excitement swirling in my belly. It’s my first shift at the Mocha Bar today. I’d emailed my class schedule over to my boss, Stewart, and he’d got back to me the same day with my shift roster.
I’ve been here almost a week now, and my classes and lectures start next week, but I can’t deny I feel a little homesick. But new friends like Marianna and Lucy, my dorm sisters, have made it easier. Marianna had banged on my door the night after the party at her house absolutely mortified by her stepsister’s behavior and begging my forgiveness.
I’d laughed it off, telling her she wasn’t responsible for her sister, and I’d meant it. Lorelei might be a prize bitch, but Marianna is nice, sweet. She quizzed me about Jake, asking how we knew each other. I’d played it down, saying we hardly knew each other and had literally just run into each other at a coffee shop on my first day. She’d divulged that he and his friend were like gods around campus. Everyone knew them, and either wanted to be their friends, fuck them, or were scared by the amount of power and influence they had. From what she said, they didn’t seek people out or go to a lot of parties, and that untouchability just made their stock soar higher.
To say I’d been shocked was an understatement. I hadn’t got the vibe off Jake at all. Yes, I could see by the way Marcus and his friends reacted that Jake wasn’t to be messed with but this almost god-like status hadn’t been obvious to me by his behavior towards me at all, but then maybe I wasn’t looking too hard.
I haven’t heard from him since Saturday night when he dropped me home, and I haven’t seen him around but that’s okay. I’ve battled a little disappointment before deciding it’s probably for the best. He’d asked for my number and I’d refused, saying if he wanted it enough he’d find it. Clearly, he hadn’t wanted to put the work in and that’s okay.
As I dry my hair and style it into soft waves before pulling it into a ponytail for work, my phone buzzes.
Unknown number: Want to make out….
I blink in surprise, a grin pulling at my lips as I guess Lexi is messing with me. She does that sometimes, or she used too. Pranks are kind of our thing. I can see the dots jumping as the person types again and I wait to see what they’d say next.
Unknown number: Oops! That was meant to say do you want to hang out, but I’m happy with either ??
Cherry: Who is this?
Unknown number: Gif
The gif was of a cartoon man with an arrow through his heart. I smile, daring to hope that it’s Jake but also trying to play down how much this sends a thrill through my blood.
Unknown number: Wow, Blossom, You forgot me already, you sure know how to wound a guy.
My grin widens as my fingers fly over the screen, prickles of excitement making my skin tingle.