I know his calling me that crosses the line of our friendship but I don’t have it in me to care as the thrill of being this close to him on my dream bike takes over all thoughts. I grip his shirt, his abs hard beneath my touch as we begin to move.
The rush of the wind is cool on my skin, lifting my hair from my shoulders as we weave through traffic and then we’re on the open road. Riding a bike is as close to true freedom as you can get. It’s exhilarating, my blood pumps through my veins like liquid ecstasy.
I’ve only ever been on the back of one bike before this. It was an ex from school and he was so busy showing off he almost wrecked us on a corner. It left me feeling angry and afraid, thinking he’d ruined my most precious connection to my dad. Jake is giving me that back with each mile and he has no clue he’s even doing it. I feel safe, like no matter what, he won’t let anything happen to me and that’s huge because trust isn’t a commodity I trade in very often.
After about an hour, he pulls into a rest stop where a food truck is serving. I move to get off, but he places a hand on my leg to stop me. Swinging his leg over the front of the bike, he strides behind me and lifts me off, setting me on my feet, but holding me around the waist as he waits for me to get my legs under me.
“You good?”
I nod, not trusting myself to speak in case my voice comes out husky.
“Okay, you wanna grab some food or just a hot chocolate?”
“I could eat.”
We walk side by side to the line at the food truck and I eye the menu. Tacos, burgers, and hot dogs mainly.
“These are the best tacos in the State.”
I cock my head, looking up at Jake as he scans the menu. “Wow, that’s a powerful statement.”
“Try them and you’ll see.”
“Well okay, then.”
We both order tacos and Jake orders some fries to share, and I get a hot chocolate and he grabs a coffee. I reach for my purse, ready to pay my share and he pushes it away.
“Don’t even think about it.”
The look he’s giving me brooks no argument, but I wouldn’t be me if I just let it go, so I place my hand on my hip and raise my brows. “This isn’t a date, Jake.”
He hands some cash to the guy behind the counter who’s smirking at us and motions at the bench where we’ll wait for our food to be called.
“I’m well aware of that, but that doesn’t mean you pay when we’re out. I asked you to come here, so I pay.”
“So if I ask, I can pay?”
Jake hesitates, before shaking his head. “No.”
“That’s hypocritical.”
“It’s not. It’s how I’ve been taught to treat a woman.”
“Like a prize?”
He smirks and huffs a laugh. “Do you just like to argue, Blossom?”
“No, I just want to know. I’m your equal. I don’t need you to pay for my stuff.”
Jake leans in, and I find myself doing the same, his gaze hints that he knows things I don’t.
“We ain’t equal, babe.”
I sit back, stunned, a gasp falling from my lips ready to rip into him when he continues.
“We ain’t equal because you’re so much better than me in every way. You work your ass off, you’re smart, funny, sweet, you are unapologetically you in every way and you’re hot as fuck. You are the prize in every way, and if all I can do is pay for a cheap taco dinner, then that’s what I’ll do.”
My entire body softens at his sweet words. Nobody has ever said something so sweet to me before and I want to wrap my arms around him and never let go. “Jake.”