Page 12 of Love Lies Bleeding

Jake: Have a great first shift, Cherry Blossom.

Cherry: Stop calling me Blossom.

Jake: Neveeerrr.

Okay, that’s kind of hot. I like a man who takes charge and is sweet at the same time and he’s allowing me to be me. I finish getting ready with a smile on my face and then head for the Mocha Bar.

The next few weeks are crazy busy with classes and work as I get my head around work, living away from home, and the demands of my course, but I love it. I’m thriving here and that is in no small part down to Jake. He’s been true to his word and hasn’t tried anything with me, and I’m kinda bummed over it.

I’d drawn the line in the sand and he’s stuck to it, but now I’m wondering if I’ve been too hasty in friend-zoning him. He’s sweet, thoughtful, hot as fucking lava, and he pays attention to me.

Every morning I wake up to a text from him wishing me a good day, but they say more than good morning, they let me know he’s thinking about me.

This morning’s text had been Good morning Blossom. I hope your day is as lovely as you.

It wasn’t too flirty but it was sweet and made the walls I’d erected tremble as each brick began to fall. Lately, he’d even begun to wait for me after my shift and walk me back to my dorm even though it was less than a block away.

“Hey, you. How was your shift?”

I look up as I exit the Mocha Bar and see Jake leaning against a shiny black Yamaha, his arms crossed over his broad chest. My eyes on the bike, I walk towards him and run my hand reverently over the paintwork. “This is a Yamaha R3.”

“It is.”

I look up to find him watching me, surprise flickering on his face. “You like bikes, Blossom?”

“My dad loved them so I grew up around them.”

“Wanna go for a ride?”

Jake holds up the spare helmet in his hand and I grin, a thrill like no other rushing through me at the thought. “Yes.”

Jake bends to put the helmet on my head, and buckles it at my throat, his fingers brushing my skin as he does. “If I’d known it would put a smile like this on your face, I would’ve brought out the bike sooner. I’m about to put her away for the winter and wanted one last ride and thought you might enjoy it too.”

“I haven’t been on a bike in ages.”

His knuckles brush my cheek and I blush at the tender touch and the way he’s looking at me. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Cherry Blossom.”

Our gazes lock and it’s like the world falls away, and I believe him when he says it. I trust Jake not to hurt me, or at least I was starting to. He hadn’t just given up when I said I could only offer him my friendship. He’s shown up every day in one way or another. Even if we don’t see each other, we talk or text.

My heart skitters behind my breastbone as I watch his strong throat bob on a swallow. Blinking away the fog as somebody whistles across the street, I look back at the bike. “She’s beautiful.”

“Yes, she is.” The reverence in his tone makes me look up but his eyes are on me, not the bike. How easy it would be to give in and risk it for this boy, to follow my heart instead of my head?

“Okay, let’s go before it gets too dark.”

Jake swings his leg over the bike, his jeans pulling tight around his powerful thighs. He reaches his hand up and I take it, using him to balance as I swing my leg over behind him. I take a second to settle myself on the seat as he waits patiently. My hands fall to my sides as I hesitate, not knowing where to put them. What I want to do is cuddle up to him, to lay my cheek on his back and wrap my arms around him but I’m not sure he wants that. I turn, looking for the handles at the back as he sits up and reaches back. Taking my hands, he hauls me forward, my chest falling against his back, his heat seeping through my jacket into my skin.

“Put your arms around me, Cherry Blossom.”

His fingers thread through mine as he links my hands at his waist and then puts his palm over the top, the other smoothing down my thigh. Awareness prickles my skin, my nipples beading against the cotton of my bra at the way he makes me feel precious.

The bike roars to life, and I feel the power of it thrum between my legs.

“You good?”


“Hold on to me, baby.”