Page 7 of Love Lies Bleeding

Marcus and his friends turn and flee, like the little cockroaches that they are and I turn my attention to Jake. He looks good, his black t-shirt pulling across his chest and tight around his biceps, the dark jeans fitting just right. His hair is slightly damp, like he just showered and the visual is enough to turn my brain to mush, but I won’t be dicknotized by his hotness.

“I had it handled.”

He smirks and my belly swarms with traitorous butterflies. “Oh I know, I saw, but I know those guys and they won’t think twice about putting their hands on a girl in anger.”

“Assholes,” I sneer.

“Yeah, they are, but they’ll leave you alone now.”

I cock my head at him as I lean back against the sink and fold my arms. The beer bottle still dangling from my fingers. “Because they think I’m yours?”


“But I’m not. I don’t belong to anyone except myself.”

Jake reaches out and, instead of the dread or revulsion Marcus instilled, I find myself going still, waiting for his touch, but he merely takes the beer bottle from my fingers and slams the lid against the counter, popping the cap off before handing it back to me.

“What if I said I wanted you to be mine?”

His lips look soft as I fight the urge to trace them with my fingertips. I glance back to his eyes and find him watching me with a hungry look. He wants me, that’s clear, and I doubt I’m hiding the fact I feel the same, but something about this boy gives me pause. He isn’t some fuck boy, or at least he isn’t giving the vibe that he wants just that from me, but that could be my ego talking.

He steps forward and his hand extends toward me, his fingers grazing my cheek as he tucks my hair behind my ear. His touch causes a shiver to skate down my spine, and I resist the urge to lean into him, my breath coming in short pants as my pulse pounds against my neck.

“I’d say I wasn’t interested.” I lie because it’s what I want the truth to be. The thought of belonging to this boy right now is really fucking tempting but I’m not fool enough to believe it’s anything more than pheromones.

“What about a kiss?”

His head bends, his minty breath feathering over my skin as he moves slowly closer and I close my eyes, relishing in the heady feeling, before I plant my hand on his chest and push. He moves back easily and that only makes me want him more.

“I’d say you haven’t earned it.”

Jake chuckles, surprising me. Most guys would have sulked, stormed off, and called me a tease, but he’s different. He takes it in stride and it makes me like him more.

“What about your name?”


He nods as if he’s mulling that over. “I like it, it suits you.”

“Because of my hair?”

He leans back against the island, shaking his head. “No, although the hair is epic. Cherry blossoms look delicate and fragile but they’re actually really hardy and resistant to drought.”

“Wow, you’re a botanist. I did not see that coming.”

Jake shrugs. “Not really. I read it somewhere.”

“You read, too? Wow, you are a catch. Wife me up already.” The sarcasm in my tone is flirty and I hope he gets that. I don’t want to come across bitchy but I do fall back on it a lot, it’s like my factory default setting. My mom is always telling me it will get me in trouble one day.

“You’re not like other girls are you, Cherry Blossom?”

“Nope, one of a kind.”

“Yes, you are.”

“So, Jake, tell me about you? What are you studying?”
