We push through the throngs of drunk people, the scent of pot and beer hanging heavily in the air. “I can’t believe your parents would allow this.” My mom would skin me alive if I did this to her house, not that we could fit this many people in our home.
“Oh, they have no idea. They’re out of town and Lorelei can get away with anything, anyway. Let’s grab a drink and head out the back, we have a pool.”
I follow Marianna into the kitchen, the sounds of clanking beer bottles mixing with the excited sounds of laughter and screams from all around me. Red solo cups litter the counter, and ice is melting in the sink.
I take the beer she hands me and we knock cups together. “Here’s to our first semester. May it be filled with hot guys, high grades, and lots of fun.”
I laugh at the toast as Marianna twirls around, her red hair flying around her shoulders. She’s fun, I like her and I have a good feeling about this.
We head outside and the scene out there is even more crazy. Half-naked people are dancing to the music, the deep thrum of the bass filling the night air with a sultry beat.
“Oh, I see some friends, I need to say hello.”
Marianna tries to pull me forward but I resist. “You go. I’m going to nose around for a bit, do a bit of people-watching.”
“You sure?” Marianna gives me a look.
I shove her gently and she laughs. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“I’ll be back.”
I watch her go with a smile. I wasn’t lying, people watching is one of my favorite things to do and I don’t get to do it often. Leaning against one of the pillars on the steps that lead down to the pool, I watch as a guy in red shorts throws himself off the diving board backward, landing in the pool to a chorus of cheers from his friends on the side.
Around me, couples are in different stages of hooking up, some talking and flirting and others practically having sex in full view and not caring who watches. My cheeks flush as my mind goes back to the boy from the coffee shop, Jake. I might have sworn not to get involved with anyone but boy, was he hot and, worse, he seemed sweet and that’s my kryptonite.
Chugging my beer to cool my heated cheeks, I head back inside for another drink.
“Hey, beautiful, wanna dance?”
I roll my eyes at the guy in front of me. He’s tall, athletic, good-looking, and off his face drunk. He makes a move to reach for me and I skillfully avoid his touch. “No, thanks, buddy.”
With a smile, he shrugs and then winks as he turns and yells at one of his friends to turn up the music. I continue on to the kitchen, passing a line up at the bathroom. A haze of smoke fills the rooms, the sickly sweet smell of spilled beer and marijuana permeating the air. I move to the fridge and pull out a beer, closing it with my hip as I look for a bottle opener. Spying one across the other side of the room, I squeeze past three boys and feel a hand land on my ass.
I straighten, my eyes popping open wide. Oh no he did not! I turn and see one with blond hair and an arrogant grin wink at me.
“Hey, gorgeous, wanna suck my dick for me?”
The fucking balls on this guy. I smile sweetly, moving closer and he grins at his friends, clearly believing that whatever the fuck that was, has worked. Resting my hand on his chest, I let it travel over his chest and down. I cup the bulge in his pants and squeeze and squeeze, watching as he winces and tries to move away but I have a pretty good grip on his junk.
“Gentle, love.”
I tilt my head and glare up at him. “Oh, I’m sorry. Am I being too rough with your needle dick?”
His cheeks redden and he grips my wrist trying to loosen my grip.
“Fuck you, bitch.”
I laugh, my gaze cold. “I’d rather deep-throat a cactus than put your dick anywhere near my mouth.”
I let him go and shove away from him, but he grabs my shoulder. I spin, ready to punch him in his jock face when I feel a presence at my back, a warm familiar scent surrounding me.
“Put a hand on her again, Marcus, and I’ll break every bone in your hand.”
His deep voice is cold and deadly and I watch as the needle dick and his friends pale and back away.
“Sorry, Jake, I didn’t know she was yours.”
“Well, now you do, so fuck off before I decide to teach you some manners.”