“Whatever, like you can say no to fresh meat.”
I watched as the pink-haired girl comes out and looks left and then right before walking towards the Mocha Bar, her head held high, a sway in her hips that’s confident and sexy as fuck. “Gotta go, Mac, talk soon.”
“Yeah, later.”
I head out with an itchy feeling inside me that just won’t subside. Being here without Mac feels wrong. I can’t help the sense that I don’t belong, that I’m the misfit in this picture. I didn’t grow up with money. I had no silver spoon in my mouth at birth. In fact, I was lucky to eat at all some days.
Yes, I wear the hundred-dollar white tee, the designer jeans, and the trainers that cost more than the rent on my childhood apartment, and I feel like a fraud. Without Hunter McKenzie and his family, I’d be nothing. I am nothing.
“Hi, Jake.”
I lift my hand at the sexy blonde who purrs my name and give her a short wave as I keep moving. I’m not in the mood for Candy, Kylie, or whatever her name is today.
I shove my way into the Mocha Bar, my mood is irritated and short, and a pink-haired fairy slams into me head first. My hands fly out to steady her, my fingers closing around slim, toned arms. It’s on the tip of my tongue to yell at her to be more careful when she glances up and the air in my lungs dies.
A heart-shaped face gazes up at me, her brilliant blue eyes mesmerizing me as I take her in. She’s fucking beautiful, with long dark natural lashes, pink cheeks, and full blushing lips that immediately make me want to bend my head and see if she tastes as sweet as she looks. Everything about her is exquisite, even her pale pink hair is perfect on her. She looks like a princess.
Realizing I’m staring like a weirdo, I open my mouth as my eyes run over her smoking body. She’s tiny against my six-foot frame, barely hitting my shoulder and I have this ridiculous urge to wrap her in my arms and protect her. “You okay?”
Wrenching out of my hold, she crosses her arms over her chest and I fight not to look down at her tits. She blinks owlishly and I wait as her lips purse temptingly for her to flirt with me. Minutes ago I was so sure I had no interest in checking out the freshmen but for this little angel, I might be persuaded.
“Okay? Are you implying I’m average, because let me assure you, I’m a ten, buddy.”
My mouth falls open in shock at her sass, and attraction runs hotly through me as her gaze wanders to my lips and I wonder if she wants me to kiss her as much as I want to claim those full lips. Her words intrigue me as much as the sexy package it’s wrapped in. My mouth pulls at the corners and a wide smile transforms my mood as I see the challenge in her eyes. This girl is something else, she’s not falling at my feet like most do, and I feel the excitement of the hunt invade my veins. It’s been so long since any girl has given me a challenge and I find I missed it. Deciding to see where she takes this, I play along, finding her confidence sexy as fuck.
“My sincere apologies. I never meant to imply such a wretched thing. You are indeed a ten. No, a twelve, and I’m only happy that you allowed such a humble servant to break your fall.”
A smile twitches on her lips and she fights to hide it from me, but I’m the master of details. I tower over her, probably outweighing her by a hundred pounds at least and yet she’s facing me like not only could she best me but like I’m unworthy of her attention. I like it, a lot.
“I accept your apology.”
We stand gazing at each other as people move around us. I hear my name a few times and know that this interaction won’t be missed. Girls giggle and whisper and I wish for a minute that I still had anonymity but being best friends with Hunter McKenzie brings a spotlight, and I’d never trade that friendship for anything. He and his family saved me in every way and I’ll always consider myself in their debt.
I let my gaze run over this girl, her coffee balanced in her hand, the button on her shirt undone just enough to tempt you to want more.
“Seriously, did I hurt you?”
She shakes her head, her pink hair catching my attention and giving me the strongest urge to reach out and touch it, to see if it’s as soft as it looks, but that would definitely come off as creepy.
“No, I’m perfect.”
Her hands lift and my gaze drops down her body, spying a sliver of smooth skin on her flat belly and I find myself wishing my hands could take the same journey, only slower and with far less clothes. “You certainly are.”
I wince as the words leave my mouth knowing how fucking corny they sound and my cheeks heat awkwardly. Awkwardly! I haven’t been awkward since I grew into my height at fourteen.
“Does that line ever work?”
Palming the back of my neck, I wish I could rewind the last few seconds and come up with something better, something to impress her. I’m not used to working this hard, or at all, for attention and my game is in the toilet. “Honestly it’s the first time I’ve used it,” I admit, hoping she’ll take pity on me.
Her head drops and I see the ghost of a smile on her full pink lips as she moves around me. I have the unexpected urge to reach out and take her hand, to pull her back and keep her here so we can continue this conversation, as awkward as it is for me right now, but I resist; just.
“Perhaps you should make it the last, too.”
“Yeah, I think you might be right.”
Her tiny hand lands on my forearm for a second before she pulls it back like I scalded her, but that isn’t what I feel. I feel electricity pulse through my skin at her touch and if her reaction is anything to gauge, so does she. It makes me wonder what her hands would look like on the rest of my body. Before I can stop her, she’s moving to the exit as I stand like a fucking decoration in the middle of the aisle.
“See you around...”