My rescuer’s mouth falls open and I can’t help but let my gaze wander to his lips for a moment. He really is spectacularly good-looking. I watch as his mouth pulls at the corners and a wide smile transforms his face from handsome to ‘Oh my god, have my babies’ hot. It really should be illegal to look this good and be smart enough to attend this school.
“My sincere apologies. I never meant to imply such a wretched thing. You’re indeed a ten. No, a twelve, and I’m only happy that you allowed such a humble servant to break your fall.”
A smile twitches on my lips and I fight to hide it as this boy plays my silly game. Most boys find me too much to handle and that’s okay. If they can’t handle me, they don’t deserve me. I know that, and I live by it, but it’s nice to find someone who’s met me head-on and gives me as good as I give.
“I accept your apology.”
We stand staring at each other as people bustle around the coffee shop, moving around us with annoyed sighs. The sounds of the frothing machine sputtering, the blender whizzing, and the chatter of the patrons fade away. It’s as if we’re in a sound bubble where only we exist. I can feel the heat from his body as he steps closer, his heady scent wrapping around me and seeping into my skin.
“Seriously, did I hurt you?”
I shake my head. “No, I’m perfect.” I lift my hands up to prove I’m uninjured and he smirks, causing butterflies to take flight in my belly.
“You certainly are.”
He winces as the words leave his mouth and I can’t help the laugh that erupts from me. “Does that line ever work?”
He palms the back of his neck and rubs it awkwardly, his biceps bunching and flexing as he does. His high cheekbones are tinged pink, which I find adorable. “Honestly, it’s the first time I’ve used it.”
I drop my head so that he can’t see the smile on my face and move around him, needing to get out of there. “Perhaps you should make it the last, too.”
“Yeah, I think you might be right.”
I pat his arm, not able to stop myself from touching that warm skin again but pull back quickly when I realize that it’s a mistake. It makes me wonder what the rest of him would feel like but I’m not here to hook up with boys, no matter how handsome and charming they might be.
“See you around...”
“See you around, Jake.”
I head for the exit, but his deep voice stops me. “What should I call you?”
“Bye, Jake.”
I’m not giving this boy my name. He’s temptation wrapped in the most sweetly edible package I’ve ever seen and I have a sweet tooth, so my plan is avoidance.
“Bye, Blossom.”
I smile as I walk toward my dorm, determined not to be charmed by the first hot guy I meet. I need to get a few more things unpacked and then maybe I can go to the party Marianna talked about and forget about the handsome Jake with the gorgeous smile and the cute blush.
2. Jake
“I’m sorry, Jake, I won’t make it this week. Dad spoke to the Dean and he okayed it for me to start in two weeks.”
My head drops as my shoulders droop. “That sucks, man, but if you need anything, give me a shout.”
“I can’t believe I broke my leg on that damn slope.”
I smirked as I looked out over Mass Avenue from my window. “Well, if you have to indulge in those snooty sports, then you get what you asked for.”
“Skiing is not snooty, it’s skillful.”
“Whatever, call if you need me.”
“I will and leave those freshmen alone.”
A chuckle rumbled out of me as I spy a girl with pink hair walk into the Coffee Corner coffee shop. “I told you, I’m a changed man, no more fuck-boy ways for me. I need to concentrate on my grades this term or I’m going to fail.”