Page 193 of Staying Selfless

L: Sorry about the loss, Cami. You guys are great, and I can’t wait to watch you bring it home next year!

C: Who the fuck cares about hockey? Maddison told me what happened, and I’ve been trying not to bug you. But Logan, what the hell? Are you okay?

L: Getting there. I will be. Come hang when you’re home.

C: Can I come watch Maddison’s debut game with you? He said you’re staying at his parents’ house.

L: Yes, please come over!

C: See you tomorrow night.

“So, how’s my best friend doing?” Marc peers over my shoulder, looking down at my phone.

I can’t help but laugh at his territorial side when it comes to my friendship with Cam. But the truth is, no relationship will ever compare to the one I have with Marc.

“I’m doing good today,” which has been my response every day for the last four, ever since I came home from the hospital on Tuesday.

“How’s the head feeling?”

I’ve been in and out of sleep all week, unable to read or watch TV, thanks to my concussion, but things are finally becoming a bit clearer today.

“I have a lot more mental clarity today.”

“Good,” Marc exhales. “Because I need to say something, and it’s been eating at me all week.”

I cautiously tilt my head on the pillow below me to get a better look at him, careful to move slowly.

“I should’ve driven back to the house to pick you up. I shouldn’t have been in such a rush to get to the bar. I should’ve waited for you.”

“No, Marc. None of this is your fault. No one could’ve predicted that a drunk driver would run a stoplight at the exact moment I was driving through the intersection.”

“Well, I feel like shit regardless.”

“Don’t. Please don’t. I’m already worried about the guilt that Eli is dealing with. I don’t want to worry about you too.”

“Fine. It wasn’t my fault then, and I’ll stop throwing myself a pity party. But only because I don’t want to add more onto your plate.”

“Thank you.” I shoot him a half-grin, watching his lips turn up in the same manner.

“Are you sure you’re okay with us all leaving? Tell me not to go, and I’ll stay here.”

“No, please go,” I beg. “If I can’t be there for Eli’s first pro game, you guys need to be. This is huge, and he needs some support.”

“As long as you’re sure. It’s your birthday this weekend, after all. I feel like a bad friend leaving you.”

“Please go and cheer him on for me.”

“I can’t believe EJ is in the NHL,” Marc adds with a contented sigh.

“About damn time.”

Just then, Mary and Ali come waltzing into the living room, giggling, nudging each other, and cracking jokes.

“What’s so funny?” Marc inquires.

“Oh, nothing,” Ali says, trying to contain her amusement.

“So, you guys are friends now?” Marc motions between Ali and his mom. “Cool. Totally cool. Love that for me.”