Page 108 of Staying Selfless

“I’ll get you a bag ready before I get in the shower.”

I turn my head to the side, pressing my lips to hers. “Thanks, baby.”

She squeezes me around the waist before filling a gallon bag with ice and heading into our bedroom.

If you were an outsider looking in, you’d have no idea that there’s a looming topic of disagreement between us. Logan and I just need the chance to talk, but we haven’t had a moment alone, and today is going to be no exception with the wedding in a couple of hours.

I don’t want Logan walking around thinking that because she doesn’t want to have kids that it changes our future together. I would assume she knows by now that nothing could change what we have, but knowing how my girl operates, I can’t assume anything with her.

After finishing the dishes from our breakfast this morning, I make my way to our room, finding the bag of ice and a stack of pillows that Logan built for me to elevate my foot.

Whether or not she sees it, Logan is the most caring person I’ve ever met. She might not realize that she thinks about others before she thinks about herself or that her little gestures that might seem meaningless to others are huge to me.

Before I plop my ass on this bed, I hobble into the bathroom, needing to brush my teeth. Even though that veggie scramble was delicious, I added way too many onions in it, and the way they’re mixing with my coffee isn’t doing it for me.

The fact that Logan actually kissed me in the kitchen is baffling.

The bathroom is filled with steam from Logan’s shower, causing the mirror to fog over completely. The only reason that’s upsetting is that the shower glass is also entirely coated with condensation, obstructing the view of my naked girl as the water coats her golden body.

I can already tell from the temperature of the steamed-up bathroom that Logan is taking one of her lava-like showers. How her skin doesn’t melt off is beyond me.

As I brush my teeth over the sink, I hear a knock on the shower glass behind me. I turn around with my toothbrush hanging in my mouth, toothpaste suds filling it.

Logan writes an ‘I’ into the condensation on the shower glass. Next is an ‘L-O-V-3.’

She quickly wipes the ‘3’ away as she corrects herself by writing an ‘E’ backward for her, so it’s written forward for me.


She creates a small clearing by wiping away another area before peeking her cute little face through it to look at me. Her greens are squinting with a smile, and my mouth is so full of toothpaste it’s about to overflow from how big my grin is.

Turning back to the bathroom mirror, I write the exact same message to her on the glass, though mine is much easier to manage since I can write it forward, from left to right.

I look back at my girl, her expression softening as she keeps her gaze locked on mine.

I spit and rinse my toothpaste before crossing the bathroom in two easy strides. Swinging the shower door open, I find a soaking Logan standing with a sweet smile across her face.

“Are we good?” I ask her directly, my eyes trailing down to her delicate collarbone, over her perfect tits, before they fall to my favorite place of all—the spot between her legs.

“We’re always good,” she says, causing my grin to tug at the corner of my lips. I have to bite down on my lower one just to keep myself from jumping in this shower and devouring her right here and now.

Leaning forward, I press my mouth to hers as I feel her smile into the pressure. She turns around to finish her shower, putting her body under the stream with her back towards me.

Her ass is practically begging me to slap it, so I give it a playful swat. “Goddamn, turn the water temperature down, girl,” I say with amusement as I close the shower door again, leaving her to finish in peace. “You’re going to give yourself third-degree burns.”

“It’s a girl thing!”

“Well, then you’re all fucking insane!” I shout with humor before making my way back to the bed, needing to ice my ankle before tonight.

After twenty minutes of icing and a quick shower, I throw my suit on and meet Marc in the kitchen for a pre-wedding beer. He wears suits much less often than I do, so I’m a little taken aback by how put together he looks right now.

“Damn.” My head jerks back, brows furrowed. “You look sharp as hell.”

“Thanks, man.” Marc puts his beer to his lips.

Don’t get me wrong. Marc has swag. But he’s almost always dressed on the casual side, so I’m just a little surprised seeing him pull off this tailored black suit the way he is. He’s got his hand casually tucked in one of his pockets, his thin black tie is the perfect length, and is product?

“Are you wearing hair product?”